Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] have [vb pp] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 My Lords , section 87 does not stipulate that the successor must have resided at a particular house for 12 months but only that he should have resided with the deceased tenant for that period .
2 I rather think that the RN instructors on my course must have suffered at the hands of the Customs on returning from a foreign tour as they really gave us a hard time .
3 The question may have niggled at the 7,776 advertising talents who entered their work for the prestigious Design & Art Direction Awards , some of whom will turn up tonight at a glittering Grosvenor House junket to find out whether they have won one of the silver or gold pencils .
4 Not that it was much of a one then : discovery would have meant at the most punishment and a diatribe against immigrants generally , with the chief worry , what contagion she might have picked up .
5 Had more companies been honest with themselves a dividend passed completely would have been better and then a new base could have set at a suitable level .
6 The normal rule in such circumstances is for the convictions to be set aside : ‘ no reasonable jury who had applied their mind properly to the facts in the case could have arrived at the conclusion , and once one assumes that they are an unreasonable jury , or they could not have reasonably come to the conclusion , then the convictions can not stand . ’
7 An added precautionary measure is to form Newco specially for the management buy-out rather than acquire a shelf company , because a shelf company 's accounting period may have commenced at a time when its Memorandum of Association does not reflect the relevant purpose test , for example , where a general trading company is purchased and turned into a holding company .
8 The whole place stank of money : much more money than the singer could have earned at the Kitty Kat Club .
9 I am not convinced that even in theory this is an accurate reflection of section 2 , for I think it possible that in many cases the investigation will have concluded at an earlier stage .
10 It is clear that the therapist should have endeavoured at a much earlier stage to involve the parents in treatment , preferably by means of conjoint sessions with Pamela and her parents together .
11 But to have gone himself to Verdun at this hour would have demolished at a stroke the legend of imperturbability , upon which so much had been built , and the crash would have been deafening .
12 FINALLY : Those who feel there is too much cricket would have winced at the suggestion made by the Australian authorities , who proposed that series against England be expanded from five Tests to seven to assist the finances of their domestic game .
13 ANYONE who has watched Carol Vorderman on the quiz show Countdown will have marvelled at the speed of her mathematical brain .
14 Many a display organiser and participant would have looked at the prevailing conditions , shrugged shoulders and turned away from the problem , presented a ‘ weather-out ’ show to the paying public .
15 An equal amount of injury might have happened at a football match but that was beside the point .
16 She would never be a great beauty , he knew , but she had a natural charm and personality that lent an extra depth to her character , and he imagined that this would have been how his mother would have looked at a similar age .
17 Second , executive power will have grown at the expense of parliamentary power .
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