Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] have [vb pp] a [det] " in BNC.

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1 The proviso of the key must have raised a few eyebrows .
2 The presence of the Seoul 100 metres silver medallist might have attracted a few more through the turnstiles had the Scottish AAA not agreed to keep his entry a secret at the request of the athlete himself , a fact which inevitably leaked out leaving the promoters somewhat embarrassed .
3 Tampopo might have sold a few more bowls of noodles and Babette 's Feast caused little hiccups of interest in historic cooking , but The Cook , The Thief , His Wife And Her Lover plays around with the relationship between food , sex and death in a way that is bound to cause offence .
4 The Government could have scored a few points and won some political friends .
5 He was not impressed either by the Department 's argu ment that to have revoked the licence would have triggered a dis orderly collapse , allowing the smart money to get out and leaving pen sioners high and dry .
6 It is certain that the news of Mr Souness 's impending operation will have created a few more worry lines of the face of First Division management .
7 Jocelyn on the other hand would have preferred a few irregularities in life and so was leaving to live in a battered wives hostel .
8 He forbore to add that Poll might have earned a few more blows as the result of Sally-Anne 's intervention , to prevent her from involving anyone else in future .
9 Because of the visits to the footplate to see the controls , and also the food cooked traditional style on the shovel , most of the people at the party will have exchanged a few words with Roger and gained an impression of the sort of cheerful , obliging chap he was .
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