Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [adv] take the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An audit may also take the form of an investigation of the internal systems of control ( carried out by internal auditors , who are employed by an organization ) .
2 We hope the council will now take the opportunity to act in accordance with the wishes of the majority of villagers . ’
3 A resident 's assessment could also take the form of an attempt to quantify the pecuniary benefit of owner-occupation .
4 A ministry that enjoyed royal confidence could generally take the House of Lords for grated , and provided it did not prove incompetent or seek to impose excessive taxation , " its position was unassailable in the Commons . "
5 The December meeting would now take the form of a consultative congress .
6 Conflict might also take the form of faultfinding in the work of other departments : eg. Department X might duplicate the work of department Y — hoping to prove department Y ‘ wrong ’ — and then report the fact to senior management .
7 The tribunal or court could well take the view that the business needs to reorganize or terminate practices or indeed to cut costs .
8 The King could reasonably take the view that he was doing no more than exercising the right to encourage , one of Bagehot 's famous trinity of rights , and that he was encouraging his Prime Minister in achieving his aims , rather than pressing MacDonald to adopt a course which was unwelcome to him .
9 ‘ Maybe the best way of putting it is that if you were abroad and on the town , Con would find a licensed brothel where the girls all had health checks , while the riff-raff might sometimes take the risk of picking up a likely-looking tart in a bar .
10 The transaction may also take the form of a reverse takeover or a rights issue underwritten by a third party who expects to acquire a controlling interest pursuant to the underwriting .
11 To say that no man could ever take the place of Tony is to say that I 've never got over his death . ’
12 In conducting this exercise the Commissioner has explained that he has adopted the wide test of subversion formulated by Lord Harris in 1975 and that his duty ‘ is to look at each case individually and say whether the Home Secretary could reasonably take the view that the warrant was necessary in the interests of national security ’ ( Lloyd , 1987 ) .
13 He said that the inspectorate would probably take the form of an ‘ inspectorate of national inspectorates ’ .
14 The Treaty on European Union will definitely take the Community to a new second stage of the process , through new legislative programmes encompassing further economic , monetary and political integration .
15 About this Chapter The advanced study of History will primarily take the form of lectures , group discussions , individual reading and essay-writing .
16 But the Commission believes that no radio or television presenter can adequately take the place of a live teacher , and that no school should depend almost wholly on a centralised choice of music , particularly of hymns or songs .
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