Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The board may well change its attitude , ’ he said .
2 If your timing is right , Positive ideas of this kind may well give her hope and encouragement , but they should not be introduced too early in the grieving process , or she may regard them almost as an insult to the depth of her sorrow at a time when she is not yet ready to look to the future .
3 THOSE who feel Lord Arran has little to say about agriculture must now change their opinion of the Minister who has also to look after health matters in the province .
4 This distaste for the subject of money should also guide his behaviour if another gentleman was impudent enough to enquire about his income : ‘ [ In such a situation the mirza ] should try to get the topic changed ; if not he should leave the house to its owner and run away as fast as his feet can carry him .
5 When the interest of one of the parties changes hands the successor should fully take his predecessor 's place as landlord or tenant , without distinguishing between different categories of covenant .
6 Thietmar of Merseburg has Harald involved in the siege of London in 1016 , and we have seen that the Canterbury confraternity entry may also support his presence in England .
7 In addition , an agent should always keep his client 's interests at the front of his mind .
8 Someone receiving a negative test result should still modify their behaviour to include safer sex and safer drug using practices .
9 Coach Sinnamon must now ensure his team come out on Saturday equally motivated , for Holywood represent a big hurdle as they close in on a treble .
10 At 1800 hours on 28 June the brigade had been ordered to take three positions which formed a bridgehead from which the enemy could further develop his attack .
11 But then , as Blackstone pointed out , the opinion gained ground that it would be to the advantage of trade , and of creditors in general , if debtors outside the scope of the bankruptcy laws who were on the point of insolvency could also surrender their property for the benefit of their creditors , and in return be protected from legal process .
12 The ‘ profiles ’ school-leaver would thus take his place among the list of the failures , whether designated as ‘ secondary modern ’ school-leavers , the educationally subnormal , the ‘ bottom 40 per cent ’ , or by whatever other title the no-hopers are characterized .
13 Mom gave birth to a baby boy , and called him Winchell ( not after the doughnuts , though the association would later cause him grief at school ) .
14 Inwardly distraught but aware that sight of her grief would further gratify her husband 's butcher , she said with pride and defiance , said Bloody Clavers. retorted the widow , ‘ But how will you answer for this mornin 's work ? ’
15 That is , economic forces would always be generated to ensure that the demand for labour would always equal its supply .
16 A man who owned a needle made of octiron would never lose his way , since it always pointed to the Hub of the discworld , being acutely sensitive to the disc 's magical field , it would also miraculously dam his socks .
17 However , most of us are aware of some of our horse 's efforts to communicate , and if we reward these efforts by understanding , the horse will gradually increase its communication with us .
18 Perhaps a more interesting development is the likelihood that Pyramid will now recast its image as a supplier only of high-end transaction systems .
19 We have the major problem that one of the key sectors in British industry has hanging over it the threat that , in a year 's time , the decision will be further reviewed and the industry will again lose its ability to impose a statutory levy .
20 The duration of both an individual eruption and the overall lifespan of a volcano will also affect its form , and its size .
21 Off-line storage will remain important , of course , and the home , office , library and school of the future will still have its equivalent of multimedia CD-ROM , CD-I or CDTV — probably in erasable , re-recordable form by the turn of the century — built into its otherwise network-fed integrated information centre .
22 Most players have a battered specimen lying around in a cupboard somewhere ; a few sensible types even use one as their main instrument , and as a result will probably retain their hearing well into the next century .
23 The editor writes : The tannic acid in tea will certainly acidify your soil , making it more agreeable to lime-hating plants .
24 No , no , my little girl 's talent will still take her right to the top . ’
25 However the accurate knowledge that we would need of the slit 's momentum will so blur its position that the diffraction pattern C , which depends on where the slits are , would be washed out .
26 ‘ It seems to me that this practice will only pay its way because of what they now call ‘ companion animals ’ .
27 The Compact will quickly lose its credibility if the only jobs on offer are those which employers have traditionally found hard to fill .
28 UEFA 's decision to overturn shamed opponents Dinamo Tbilisi 's appeal against disqualification for bribery means the Georgian club will automatically lose their win bonus for defeating the Blues 3–2 in the preliminary round .
29 But , because the umbilical goes through the basket , the diver can always find his way back .
30 Therefore the very success of an agent can sometimes mean his downfall .
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