Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [be] see in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At this gain the noise level of the instrument can be seen in quiet periods to be approximately 10 gamma — 15 gamma over a bandwagon of the order of 0.3Hz , reasonable enough for serious studies .
2 The second-round effects of the estate tax may be seen in other areas .
3 Once again the trend must be seen in historical and sociological perspective .
4 Featuring bright hooded sweatshirts worn under suit jackets , teamed with baseball caps and baseball boots , young fashionables in search of the Endless Wave will be seen in full regalia around Soho this spring .
5 An attitude of fatalism may be seen in typical phrases from traditional low-income black American subculture such as ‘ I 've been down so long that down do n't bother me ’ , ‘ I was born under a bad sign ’ and ‘ It 's an uphill climb to the bottom ’ .
6 But that triumph can be seen in small things , just as in great .
7 Perhaps the proof of the pudding can be seen in public attitudes , for no such projects can come to fruition without substantial support from the public .
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