Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [be] [adv] small [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For greatest compression , each field must be as small as possible so that , for example , it may be acceptable to use a width of two for an ‘ age ’ variable by lumping together all ages of 99 and over .
2 No dose of a highly potentized remedy can be too small that it can not be stronger than the natural disease , that it can not at least partially overcome it and that it can not start the process of cure .
3 Lunch will be fairly small and might feature a salad or small sandwich with a low-fat filling , or yogurt and fruit .
4 This file will be very small and , if indexed , it will usually match the access speed of a larger direct file because it can be held on a single cylinder of disk , with its index in main storage .
5 The estimates of infective dose were from studies in guineapigs , and this model might have been misleading since the lethal dose may be as small as 2400 organisms and as large as 100,000 , although about 130 organisms can cause an infection .
6 A purchasing organisation should be much smaller since it will not need personnel concerned with line management and the provision of services .
7 A plant placed in a 5°C environment will be visibly smaller than one maintained at 20°C .
8 Most claims under this section of the policy will be quite small and relate for example to the breakage of a wash hand basin in a hotel .
9 The data associated with each code number can be as small as the price such as ‘ 38p ’ , or 100,000 words of text .
10 The genetic material may be as small as a single gene , while some protein coats are made of multiple copies of only one specific protein molecule .
11 A survival of Second Empire technology could be so small as to be incapable of spreading its influence , or the science could have survived but not the necessary manufacturing techniques for its propagation .
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