Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] out to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is crucial that they be given a wholehearted , well-funded chance ; for otherwise the court of last resort may turn out to be the one where the Master of the Rolls holds sway .
2 It is crucial that they be given a wholehearted , well-funded chance ; for otherwise the court of last resort may turn out to be the one where the Master of the Rolls holds sway .
3 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
4 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
5 It should by now be clear to the reader that the purchase decision may turn out to be a highly complex one , subject to a wide variety of inter-related economic and behavioural influences .
6 This very important task involves a high memory load , as items mentioned by a patient early in the interview may turn out to be significant later on .
7 Bal Harbour could turn out to be the main danger .
8 This disregard for the succession could turn out to be the most destabilising factor in Egyptian life .
9 However , on the second , more rigorist , view , her action would turn out to be wrong , should it be true that with even more effort she could have relieved still more suffering , or caused just a little more happiness ( without countervailing harm ) .
10 In the event , Mary of Guise 's optimism would turn out to be misplaced , Knox 's stricture correct .
11 It could be the figure will turn out to be the low point of the trend , although if the pound continues to strengthen , that 'll be good news for the government 's control over inflation .
12 If this is the case , then this type of horse can turn out to be a sensitive and responsive ride , but may always be spooky in unfamiliar circumstances .
13 Thus what at first appeared to be evidence in favour of one hypothesis might turn out to be evidence against it .
14 Mitigating the causes of the crisis has to continue , of course , but the dominant issue may turn out to be crisis management within the triple-P of problems caused by poverty , pollution and population .
15 The recognition that the assumption of the effectiveness of law may turn out to be false in all or at least specific areas does not mean that all legal activity in relation to international law is worthless .
16 If he is , that telephone could turn out to be a time-bomb with a short fuse . ’
17 However , I am not able to predict on any particular occasion whether the electron will turn out to be " here " rather than " there " .
18 What starts as a straightforward health issue can turn out to be an important medicolegal examination with implications subsequently at trial .
19 For what may be ‘ bossiness ’ in the home can turn out to be a valuable contribution of efficiency and ‘ drive ’ in a different setting , working with a team of strangers , where the usual social restraints keep it under reasonable control .
20 Although the price of a dishwasher may seem expensive , the costs of actually running the machine can work out to be far less than for washing-up by hand .
21 However , with the underlying trend showing production flat and the official government figures notoriously volatile , economists cautioned that the rise could turn out to be a blip .
22 The plasma ACE level could turn out to be more useful for risk assessment than identifying the ACE genotype .
23 The first two groups are those for whom preventive intervention may turn out to be justified .
24 Still , getting ahead in the movie business may turn out to be harder than selling works by the hundreds in the boom market of the late 1980s .
25 Often he has to interpret a badly worded question , with no hope of redress if his guess as to the examiner 's meaning should turn out to be wrong .
26 If vampires are capable of recognizing their friends , the experimentally starved bat should turn out to be fed only by those from its own original cave .
27 No matter what the truth might turn out to be it would not affect Mark .
28 Playing games with the 20p band could turn out to be a piece of personal folly by the Chancellor .
29 It is likely that if five other tokens were considered from a different section of text gathered in a comparable social context the score would turn out to be very different say 80 per cent .
30 Maybe the age of leisure will turn out to be a brief and unsustainable interlude rather than a new dawn after all .
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