Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] it have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It may consider it will get better marketing support from Novell and the Univel partnership than it has previously had from the relatively small SCO operation here .
2 Now it appears to be on the ‘ at risk ’ register , its reputation battered and bruised , part of it under review before it has even reached its first birthday .
3 Yet he was also reluctant to let events stifle their friendship before it had properly begun .
4 HP 's decision on Destiny was made despite its awareness that Unix , key to its own strategy , needs greater ‘ uniformity , ’ or at least less fragmentation than it has currently garnered , to succeed in any big way .
5 Hewlett-Packard Co reckons an Intel Corp 80486 platform wo n't be enough to run Microsoft Corp Windows NT and , while it 's watching how Pentium develops , is figuring Microsoft is going to need a better RISC processor than it 's currently got .
6 But surely Michael Banks 's death must end the run before it had even started ; Apparently not , according to the show 's producer , Paul Lexington . ’
7 The sight of a fearsome bully , intent on picking a fight , may fill us with such terror when our imagination starts working that we have lost the battle before it has even begun .
8 His own excursion into foreign fields was an unmitigated disaster when his Grand Bahamas Island Vacation Village collapsed into a financial mess before it had really got started , in 1950 .
9 Islington could have saved its council and charge payers a great deal of money if it had just asked the advice of a local geography teacher and been told that it is better to go to France to learn French .
10 Peter Hutchinson ( 1983 , p.vi ) has noted that ‘ the study of literary play deserves far more detailed attention than it has yet aroused ’ and has provided a useful introduction to the subject in Games authors play ( ibid . ) .
11 If this by itself were not sufficient grounds for paying Spain more attention than it has hitherto received , the development of the country 's industrial relations over the last decade provides ample material for fertile investigation .
12 Poor Harry , so incongruously yoked in the forced democracy of death , whose stiffening body would receive far more attention in its dissolution than it had ever received in life .
13 Other symptoms were deemed to be present if they occurred on at least a quarter of the days or occasions , except that passage of mucus was taken as a symptom if it had ever occurred ( this being normal clinical practice ) .
14 A metaphysics stressing the invariance of divine ideas created dissonance where it had once created harmony .
15 They only feed the cuckoo because it has successfully manipulated their behaviour .
16 It is important here , though , not to take the notion of " education " in any narrow sense , since the mission of national education as it operated between 1880 and 1920 encompassed institutions , events , and locations well beyond the scope of education as it has since come to be formally conceived .
17 ‘ Only one on this bike because it 's only got one seat ’ , ( Simon 4.3 ) .
18 Britain has been denied this freedom because it has never had a truly commercial broadcasting environment .
19 Perhaps it would have been better for the apple if it had never had ideas above its station , if it had never started carrying around so much symbolic baggage .
20 When the little animal is disturbed it burrows furiously down into the ground until it has completely disappeared except for its horny rump .
21 Great care should be taken with the rock in this area until it has all washed clean and settled down again .
22 It declared reinstated the 1938 Constitution to underpin a provisional new " basic law " , and terminated the validity of the April 20 , 1978 , Soviet Lithuanian Constitution and of the 1977 USSR Constitution as it had previously applied on Lithuanian territory .
23 The government probably went further down this road than it had originally envisaged .
24 However the recent revival of interest in the practice , which can be traced back to 1977 , represents a new departure , rendering it of far greater potential significance than it has previously assumed .
25 It was a continuation , in effect , of the 1930s Special Areas policy ( which had received further impetus from the Barlow Report on industrial location ) and from the carry-over of wartime controls which gave the government far more effective power in its sphere than it had ever possessed [ Brown , 1972 ] .
26 Then it said , in a much deeper voice than it had ever used before : ‘ RIGHT . ’
27 But one ended Patrick 's life before it had properly started .
28 She sometimes thought it had saved her life as it had undoubtedly saved Camille 's .
29 Rabbits do n't store food so it had clearly gone all that time without intake .
30 But the ICA responded to this challenge as it has always done with the difficult or the new ; with the sort of calculated risk-taking that the majority of Arts Council-sponsored venues habitually shy away from .
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