Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] he [verb] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Auguste broke off , none too pleased to be interrupted on a mere matter of murder when he had been in a world of his own , exalted by the power of cuisine .
2 According to one report , Vincent was as dismissive of academic study as he had been in Amsterdam .
3 Chatam had not been seen in public since finishing fourth to Sibton Abbey in the Hennessy at Newbury in November , and Pipe said yesterday : ‘ It was a fine run considering he had been off the course for so long and he goes for the Gold Cup with every chance .
4 Captain Allan Border said : ‘ Obviously I feel a bit sorry for Jonesy because he 's been in the side for a long time .
5 I think he is security cos he 's been in a couple of times has n't he ?
6 Just as Elisha could answer the widow 's need because he had been in touch with his Lord , so the Holy Spirit is God 's agent to keep us in touch with Him , and to make us pure .
7 ‘ He 's made a marvellous recovery since he 's been with us in Barbados .
8 This shows that Anselm was quite as ready to face exile for the primacy as he had been for obedience to the pope .
9 However , his appearance had been that of an eighteen-year-old , which makes nonsense for a second time of the press claims that Lord Haw-Haw was as puny in appearance as he had been in his human sympathies .
10 This is not to say that James II ( or VII as he was in his northern Kingdom ) was any more popular in Scotland at the time of the Revolution than he had been in England .
11 He intended no offence to Scott , who was the leading living architect , and only wanted to appeal to his good sense and taste , but he could not understand Street 's attack on him , whose attitude that ‘ no one is an architect until he has been in Rome ’ , is the same as our grandfathers .
12 This is much more credible than Bourke 's story and suggests that in reality Bourke was no more than a go-between because he had been in prison with Blake .
13 Glaisdale almost certainly needed that outing for he had been off the course for more than three months .
14 Will the Italian Abbado remain musical director of the Vienna State Opera where he has been for the past three years ?
15 Tom Poole , who had nursed his father devotedly at the end , was in low spirits , but was as instantly captivated by his visitor as he had been at their first meeting .
16 And a nasty place it was : jammed with junk Victorian furnishings and attitudes , squirearchical , male , fascistic ( Waugh was as keen on the Croatian Ustashe as he had been on Franco ) , anti-Jewish , bitter against the ‘ common man ’ , devoted to cranky equations between social hierarchy and linguistic purity .
17 This was particularly embarrassing for Bolger as he had been in the forefront of those who had castigated former Labour Prime Minister David Lange for bowing to French economic pressure by releasing Alain Mafart and Dominique Prieur , the two saboteurs who were tried and sentenced for the crime .
18 The year before he 'd been into the whole Absolute Beginners scene and everything around him had to date from the late ‘ fifties , early ‘ sixties .
19 Wilson , his enemies suggested , had been as reckless with money as he had been in organising strikes which brought no advantage to his members .
20 He admitted modestly that it was a long time since he had been at school , but one phrase he had understood was ‘ Vive la link box ! ’ .
21 It was a long time since he had been like this .
22 Burn 's nephew , MacVicar Anderson , ensured that Burn was as secretive about his methods of house planning in death as he had been in life .
23 Paul climbed the stairs in trepidation ; had he made some mistake in the corrections , blind with pain as he had been for part of the day ?
24 Archbishop Aethelberht is said not to have spared evil kings , and there must be a possibility that he was soon as disenchanted with Aethelred 's faction as he had been with Alhred 's .
25 Getting him out of bed in the mornings in time for school became a real problem for his family when he 'd been up most of the night with pencil and note book .
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