Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] long as [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 Mr Benton said : ‘ Read 's did seem to have a bright future as long as they could overcome short term cash difficulties .
2 Not only did this geezer Kev Knowles agree to turn out for us , he also said he would look after the programme as long as he could incorporate a number of religious tracts .
3 She held his gaze as long as she could .
4 She cried aloud in joyous elation , her body still on fire , holding on to the magical moment as long as she could .
5 The remaining two immortals ( other than Deng himself ) , Peng Zhen ( 90 ) and Vice-President Whang Zhen ( 84 ) , were thought to favour reform as long as it could be confined to the sphere of economics rather than politics , a position similar to Deng 's own .
6 Above the river , the seagulls kept on the wing as long as they could , hoping the turbulence would bring them a good find , then , defeated and battered , they heeled and screamed away to find refuge .
7 She 'd fought the sensation as long as she could and then she 'd done something she 'd never done before , she 'd deliberately looked into the sea of faces , looked unerringly to the rear of the crowded room …
8 Duty said that the police would n't interfere with the property as long as they could be sure that no criminal entry or damage had taken place .
9 He would hold the crowd as long as he could .
10 He was quite content with the food as long as he could have a plentiful supply of fillet steaks and his daily dose of freshly squeezed orange juice .
11 They had left her at school as long as they could , because they did n't know what to do with her ; but now she was to take this course and later get a job on a newspaper .
12 The King could say whatever he chose in the speech as long as he could find ministers to support it , and George wanted to say ‘ this bloody and expensive war ’ .
13 James Baker , the Chief of Staff , was a natural compro-miser happy to settle for half a loaf as long as it could be made to look like a victory for the president .
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