Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] they [vb past] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Shortly afterwards they were outward bound for the Great Barrier Reef where they cruised for a year in search of a dream .
2 Resting gratefully on his pitchfork as they waited for a slow-moving loaded wagon to reach them from the far end of the field , Seb said , ‘ There 'll be another hundred acres to work by the spring .
3 It was argued that it unfairly penalized those who worked throughout their lives until their mid-sixties , but were thrown onto the Poor Law before they qualified for the pension .
4 He alleged that inquiry officers had lied about seeing a flickering light in a bedroom window of his home when they applied for a search warrant .
5 It was won by the Cheshire Youth Orchestra , who were in jubilant mood as they left for the journey home .
6 Anglers discovered dead fish frozen into the Grand Union Canal when they arrived for a major match .
7 He made idle banter as they watched for the van , and Doyle grimaced and complained about the lack of ‘ peace and quiet ’ in that particular car at that particular time .
8 Alternatively , he could always have chatted up one of the drivers of Middleton & Co. 's waggon , asking if there was a bit of spare room for an extra body when they left for the King 's Arms in Holborn on a Sunday evening or a Monday morning .
9 Children who received punishment as they reached for the attractive toy showed greater resistance to temptation than children punished just after they had picked it up or at a point several seconds later .
10 Saunders , playing his final match for Liverpool before his £2.3m move to Aston Villa , clashed with Elliott in the 10th minute as they went for a 50-50 ball .
11 ‘ You really should be riding a horse , ’ Artemis 's stepmother said to her one morning as they waited for the hounds to move off .
12 Under the new arrangements there would be an ‘ intermediaries offer ’ to increase the distribution of new shares by giving private clients priority when they applied for the 25 per cent of the issue that is not distributed by the sponsor in a placing .
13 Sir Hector explained that the French representatives had found themselves out on a limb when they called for an increase in import charges .
14 Scientists working on the jet fusion project at Culham in south Oxfordshire have been protesting today in a bid to influence leading figures in the project as they met for the second day of their full Council Meeting .
15 The girlfriends and wives of the young officers were pretty , well-bred girls who leant over to each other and laughed a lot as they waited for the ceremony to start .
16 After the congratulatory hugs and tears and kisses , they opened a bottle of champagne before they went for a drive round London nursing their secret .
17 Nigel , 34 , and his girl-friend Brix Smith both created a stir when they arrived for the ceremony .
18 When in Washington both Houses , in an extraordinary mark of respect , asked him to give the opening prayer as they assembled for the fifty-fifth Congress . )
19 Neither the Conservatives nor Labour , therefore , had a chance of retaining or obtaining office unless they abandoned for the time being the principal position which they fought the election to obtain .
20 They went into the staff-room and grabbed a coffee while they waited for the results , then they studied them together on the lightbox .
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