Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [to-vb] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know whether they all want to play or whether your dad and granddad wants to stay and watch the football
2 The Department needs to understand and analyse the scale and extent of the problem before effecting action to address it .
3 The Group Personnel Department exists to support and advise the Executive Directors and the Board on any significant people issues in JM .
4 The Institute of Export aims to set and raise the standards of export practice and management through training , formal and informal education and the exchange of ideas and information between exporters .
5 The research aims to compare and contrast the development of corporate labour policies in three British , three American and three Japanese firms .
6 The research aims to develop and evaluate a behaviour-modelling programme to implement ‘ on-job ’ human resource training in the service sector .
7 Topic work helps to motivate and stimulate the children to work hard .
8 A director needs to know and use the tools of his trade .
9 With this in mind , the group aims to coordinate and publicise the existing initiatives , and to encourage and develop new ones .
10 Weak bones are very likely to be broken as hens are pulled out of their cages , and the entire process appears to frighten and exhaust the birds .
11 Criminal acts call forth a collective hostile response in the shape of punishment , and the punishment serves to restore and reinforce the outraged conscience collective .
12 Deputy Head arrives to chat and have a cake .
13 By the time the beech hedge begins to grow and shade the border , the leaves will have refuelled their corms and died down .
14 This is principally because the mouse can roll in four directions to replicate the equivalent + , — , * and / keyboard commands to zoom and relocate the graphics .
15 Simply apply lateral cyclic and tail rotor commands to bank and turn the model so that it presents its side view to the direction of travel .
16 The student has to improvise and adapt the procedure without departing from the principles of aseptic technique .
17 The exhibition aims to examine and challenge the ways in which AIDS has been ( mis ) represented by the media .
18 The main problem here is that television seeks to dramatise and explore the extremities of human life .
19 The engineering works to extend and reinforce the system absorbed the bulk of the Area Boards ' capital budgets , but could now be more efficiently planned .
20 If Councillor wants to go and get a G B H haircut it tends to confuse us on this side of the er as to exactly what we are debating .
21 Magheralin Parish Church plans to buy and stock a 100 acre farm in Uganda and already support has been promised from many sections of the community .
22 Dr Ken Towner , a microbiologist at the University Hospital , Nottingham , has recently been using DNA probes to identify and classify the various DHFRs ( Epidemiol .
23 And until the Church begins to acknowledge and address the century in which it now finds itself , it will die .
24 Now the doctor has to try and locate a suitable place to inject the blood .
25 However , the evidential task becomes more difficult if the employer opts to make and refine the patented invention himself .
26 This project aims to document and analyze the social processes and policy issues inherent in this situation , with particular emphasis on the ways in which conservation concerns are interpreted by African societies at all levels .
27 The project aims to document and analyse a formative period in British space policy , civil and military , within the context of European and trans-Atlantic relations .
28 The less energy spent in defending , the more strength remains to attack and defeat the enemy .
29 This project seeks to explain and assess the institutions and organisational structures which make up the government-industry ‘ policy community ’ on an internationally comparative basis .
30 The Doctor manages to steal and activate the Time Destructor , but although the Dalek invasion force is wiped out Sara ages to death before his eyes , and he is only just rescued by Steven .
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