Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [vb pp] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a huge amount of detail and the technique has got to be perfect otherwise the painting should be an absolute mess .
2 There 's a huge amount of detail and the technique has got to be perfect otherwise the painting should be an absolute mess .
3 The McGhee decision has proved to be controversial as the plaintiff never established that the defendant was a cause of his damage .
4 In good British fashion , however , that change has tended to be piecemeal rather than comprehensive .
5 Moreover each kind has continued to be important ; it is not a simple question of successive stages .
6 The intonation on your guitar has got to be perfect , because you 're fretting strings behind the glass and that has to be just right .
7 Allen ( 1983 ) argued that provided treatment is directed at the underlying cause , most leg ulcers will heal spontaneously , which experience has proved to be true .
8 The Association has continued to be active since 1946 , monitoring the progress of new towns and seeking to further the principles and practice of good planning .
9 The link with Labour has got to be more than just signing a cheque .
10 However , so far the attitude has tended to be sympathetic — it is not , after all , in the creditors ' interests to exclude a member and thereby reduce earning potential .
11 But now that the question has ceased to be one of recognition , the theoretical possibility of rebuttal must exist .
12 The underlying philosophy has tried to be selective in aiming at farmers with intermediate and non-viable enterprises .
13 Yet most people would agree that the fax machine has got to be one of life 's easier contraptions to master .
14 Hence their policy influence seems bound to be considerable .
15 So he 's filling in the application form of the dating agency , he said the girl 's got to be five foot ten , living in China ,
16 Work 's got to be social .
17 Hateley has got to be one of the best target me in Britain .
18 In some cases such strife has proved to be recurrent over twenty years , as in Zaire , Sudan , and Burundi and in others more or less endemic , as in Chad and Uganda and in Ethiopia in its fight to contain Eritrea .
19 The product has proved to be stable over the anticipated lifespan of the building and has advantages over alternative methods of roof insulation , namely , energy efficiency , ease of installation and speed of erection .
20 ‘ Nobody 's said the team 's got to be official , like .
21 Existing published research on French primary education has tended to be quantitative in style with a strong statistical emphasis .
22 A lot of modern art has tended to be that way , often abstract art , that people think is meaningless , is in fact full of very serious messages if only people are willing to listen to them .
23 Raising money for charity has got to be worthwhile .
24 Unfortunately , this evidence has tended to be fragmentary , a collection of separate , discrete pieces of information lacking a synthesizing theory to provide cohesion and predictive power .
25 Derek 's nickname has proved to be spot-on this season , The Sizzler has really been sizzling on the field !
26 You know , I mean we revert a lot of trade here to next day , so the quality of service has got to be good or we lose them .
27 The drawback of the argument in terms of the uncertainty of outcome , in support of the demand for pure research without beneficial strings , is that evidence in its support seems destined to be anecdotal .
28 This strategy has proved to be successful .
29 The operability in the past has tended to be low .
30 This interpretation has proved to be compatible with other results , including the finding that a click located near the end of a clause tends to elicit longer reaction times than a click located at the beginning of a clause ( Abrams and Bever , 1969 ) .
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