Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [prep] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 In Amazonian Annonaceae and Nymphaeaceae , beetle pollination tends to be fortuitous by contrast , e.g. scarabs on Nymphaea spp. in lakes , though in Victoria amazonica , there are four species of dynastid beetle attracted by scent and temperature ( 11° above ambient ) : these become trapped for 24 hours and feed on starchy carpellary appendages before leaving with pollen .
32 Failure to maintain prolonged voluntary anal contraction seems to be critical in our patients .
33 There will be the ever present risk of sexual blackmail , since although homosexuality appears to be compulsory in the Diplomatic Service , we believe our forthright and thrusting working-class boys will achieve greater penetration in Diplomatic circles .
34 hamatum , has a cohabitant species of staphylinid beetle , but in this case the ant appears to be immune to its guest 's fungal disease .
35 Singers in Zambia were very skilled at improvisation , and the same skill seems to be common in many other parts of Africa .
36 In patients with advanced AIDS , T gondii specific antibody secretion by PBL seems to be independent of in-vivo antigen-specific T-lymphocyte help .
37 The Gordon 's ‘ Green ’ campaign continues to be popular in the UK spirits market , using the famous green of the UK Gordon 's livery with a series of witty one liners ‘ Gordon Bennett ’ was a development of this theme in the important pre-Christmas period — the first multi-coloured version of the campaign This recent work gained the highest awareness of any UK spirits advertising in the past five years The ‘ Green ’ campaign continues to appeal to all age groups , but most significantly has continued to improve the brand 's attraction amongst young adults
38 A teacher has to be conscious of the different between an error and a slip .
39 The other changes are relatively minor , but the reporting accountant needs to be aware of them .
40 The teacher needs to be open to , and supportive of , the student who has an alternative view to present , even if it does not fall squarely within the teacher 's own disciplinary expertise .
41 Well I think people think that a certain amount of time and attention has to be devoted to the Party 's constitution , and there are two things that arose out of the conference in Brighton .
42 In general terms , some idea of the standard deviation of a variate has to be available from past experience and the acceptable width of confidence interval must be stated .
43 Certainly the governing body needs to be happy with them .
44 In order to be able to bind in this way the sequence of nucleotides in the synthetic piece of DNA or RNA needs to be complementary to the viral sequence .
45 ‘ What we saw this evening has to be good for British tennis . ’
46 Before any kind of training is undergone in kung fu , the body has to be capable of muscular tasks that , for most beginners , it is not used to performing .
47 Something of the sort seems to be true for migratory birds , who have some practical grasp of the earth 's magnetic field or of stellar constellations ; and , as I shall suggest presently , the kingfisher may have some practical grasp of the refractive properties of water .
48 A tendency for manufacturing to fall as a percentage of gross domestic product seems to be common to all industrial societies .
49 The ponderous patent application process seems to be unsuited to a fast- moving technology as it can take several years from initial application before a patent is finally granted .
50 Our polyethylene licensing business continues to be successful in marketing BP Chemicals ’ gas phase technology , so providing a steady income from royalty payments .
51 In which case , if all the other factors have been adequately controlled , any difference in output has to be attributable to the independent variable since it is the only difference between the two groups .
52 The United Kingdom as a whole needs to be ready for the challenge ahead .
53 ‘ In such cases the documentation has to be correct from the word go and if Mr Grainger puts it all down in writing his account will be used as the basis for our inquiries . ’
54 The former assumption says that language behaviour in the classroom has to be natural so as to conform to the naturalness of language use : the latter assumption says that classroom behaviour has to be natural in conformity with natural processes of language learning .
55 Such a grammar needs to be appropriate to the audience that is to use it , its content needs to be appropriate to the culture of the people whose language is to be learnt , and it needs to progress smoothly from one topic to another .
56 Any consideration of ageism has to be clear about the difference .
57 One person has to be responsible for co-ordinating all these different elements and the need for an integrated approach , with one person carrying the overview , was brought home sharply to me during a Youth Conference in Eastbourne in 1983 .
58 Sex education needs to be educational in the broadest sense and encourage foresight in all aspects of life , discouraging feelings of hopelessness and inevitability .
59 However , any organisation has to be aware of the environment within which it operates .
60 In a modern economy , every individual in every organisation needs to be involved in lifetime education and training .
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