Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [adj] and it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Its walls were of pinkwashed cob , its roof was thatched and it stood on its own .
2 Regeneration of energy back into the industry was healthy and it created jobs for young people in the industry ’ .
3 The third light was green and it skidded to a halt .
4 Its mouth was open and it seemed to be grinning at him .
5 Its mouth was open and it had an expression on its face of someone who is going to have a lot of difficulty explaining what they have just seen , especially to themselves .
6 The condition was offputting and it sold below estimate for $48,000 ( £30,000 ; est. $60,000–80,000 ) .
7 Kim Il Sung headed the NKIPC ; the membership was disparate and it took some time for Kim to establish his control .
8 The bottom shelf was wider and it held a square white machine which looked like a document shredder .
9 The fit of this brace was firm and it felt comfortable , despite the fact that it is an off-the-shelf model ( its older brother , the CTI , is custom-fit ) and I found I was able to ski with some confidence in my otherwise highly unstable knee .
10 But fortunately the traffic was heavy and it took ages to reach Bethnal Green .
11 Picture quality was poor and it took 30 seconds to process each frame .
12 Not only did the BBC believe that it alone knew what was good for the audience , its pretence of impartiality was bogus and it absorbed and suffocated with banalities all differences of opinion :
13 A reassessment of his career was due and it comes as a new monograph by Tim Hilton ( £30 , Lund Humphries ) and an exhibition which opened at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park at the end of last month ( to 31 August ) and will be shown at The Art Warehouse in London in the autumn .
14 His voice was deep and it sent her pulses racing .
15 My voice was high and it shook and I did n't convince even myself .
16 The descent was nerve-racking and it reminded me of the slow , queasy way light planes come in to land in Himalayan valleys .
17 The whole audience was astounded and it did n't go down very well .
18 The British public were cautious and it took the Second World War to inspire a new , and more forward-looking , attitude to the problem of dealing with the economy and unemployment .
19 If the actor was real then the film was real and it worked .
20 Certainly my childhood was thrifty and it seemed dreary .
21 After previous days ' lovely weather , disappointed that visibility was poor and it rained most of the time .
22 Progress was slow and it took a long time to get a handicap , the first being 17 .
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