Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [verb] at this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 John 's obsession for uniformity was thwarted at this point as the experience of the older Girls always showed in their eye make-up .
2 Her love of coaching was developing at this stage too .
3 Its opposition was overruled at this stage however by a majority of the Member States , who agreed to start work on EMU and Political Union in two parallel inter-governmental conferences , which opened at Rome in December 1990 .
4 A Special General Meeting called by the National Council was held at this time , a report of which is to be seen on page 13 .
5 The required options for a full investigation were seen at this stage to be as in the following list : —
6 Within one hour there was activity at this base as the gun carriage that was to carry the King 's body was held at this unit .
7 Parler brought with him the influence of the Cologne school and , though only the choir and chapels with part of the south façade were completed at this time , it is interesting to compare , both on exterior and interior , the work of Matthias on the lower part and Parler on the upper ( 532 and 533 ) .
8 The solvent flattened electron density map ( Fig. 1 b and 1e ) was skeletonized using the program BONES , and the skeletonized map was used with the density to trace the main chain of both monomers in the asymmetric unit using the program O. A monomer mask was generated at this point , and non-crystallographic symmetry averaging using the programs A and O was used to improve the side chain density in parts of the molecule .
9 These formed far and away the largest group in the population of Europe , and it is the evidence that their numbers were expanding rapidly which offers the most substantial proof that the population of western Christendom as a whole was rising at this time .
10 If legislation were introduced at this point it is possible that it would fall foul of the decision by the European Court of Justice and thus be impracticable and a waste of public funds .
11 It is almost certain that Leonard 's interest in Zen Buddhism was sown at this time , and his ‘ anti-intellectualism ’ confirmed .
12 But HLA-B35 showed a predominant tyrosine residue at position 9 of bound peptides : no anchor residue was identified at this position for HLA-B53 .
13 Impractical , because if all areas of the curriculum were treated at this level of detail , hundreds or even thousands of criteria would be produced ; educationally unacceptable because of the curriculum fragmentation which would result since it would be difficult to link up such large numbers of criteria .
14 IT WAS in the early afternoon when information was received at this desk about the plane .
15 Solutions ( 10 mM ) of 5ASA , 4ASA , and their metabolites were used in most experiments , as the effects of IFN γ induced HLA-DR expression were seen at this concentration .
16 A further problem was identified at this time .
17 The building was deserted at this hour of the morning , the corridors echoing as she made her way to her office and sat down behind the desk .
18 Pious shock and horror was expressed at this frailty in the face of temptation — far more so than at the evidence that men behaved in the same way .
19 Although no firm progress was made at this stage much of the evidence is of interest as it deals with the environmental and development pressures resulting from such a link .
20 No filtration was used at this stage .
21 Henry 's aftershave was overpowering at this range .
22 No white was used at this stage — only the white reflecting from the ground
23 The high esteem in which jet was held at this time is shown by its relation to amber and gold .
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