Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] to be [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Let us assume that we already know the size of sample , the type of respondent ( child , housewife , air traveller , etc. ) , whether or not questions are to be asked on more than one occasion , whether there are likely to be seasonal fluctuations , whether the study is to be factual or attitudinal or both , and so on .
2 As far as the new rent is concerned , options fall into four categories : ( 1 ) options to renew " at a rent to be agreed " : such options are void for uncertainty unless some provision is made for determination of the rent in default of agreement ( King 's Motors ( Oxford ) Ltd v Lax [ 1969 ] 3 All ER 665 ) or some provision is made for a minimum or a maximum rent ( Corson v Rhuddlan BC [ 1990 ] 1 EGLR 255 ) ; ( 2 ) options to renew at a rent to be determined in accordance with some stated formula , without any effective machinery for working it out : if necessary the court will supply the machinery in such cases ( Brown v Gould [ 1972 ] Ch 53 ) ; ( 3 ) options with machinery but no detailed formula : in such cases the court is likely to imply a term that the rent is to be fair and reasonable between the landlord and the tenant and will supply machinery for its determination ( Sudbrooke Trading Estate Ltd v Eggleton [ 1982 ] 3 All ER 1 ) ; ( 4 ) options which provide both a formula and the machinery for working it out : the draftsman should attempt to make his draft fall into this category .
3 Walking out on your partner may not be the answer to midlife change and you may not want a divorce , but you are likely to find that you need to update your relationship if the marriage is to be sound and mutually satisfying for another twenty or thirty years .
4 The contracts typically say that the decision of the expert is to be final and binding , and that is what the courts say it has to be , in the absence of fraud , partiality or mistake .
5 ‘ If the National Audit Office inquiry is to be full and fair it must take into account all the relevant factors .
6 The tension in the rein very much depends on the individual , but the aim is to be soft and easily acceptable to both the horse and the rider .
7 Each different form requires the mastery of its specific skills if , as is surely the object of the enterprise , the product is to be available and to communicate to all who may be interested .
8 This emphasis upon the need for cultural and social reinforcement , though often overlooked by educationalists , is crucially important if the learning process is to be useful and related to the experience of the community groups so that they feel they can go on to employ practical applications of their learning .
9 If education is to be responsive and supportive to all children 's needs then schools must provide two things :
10 Although Batty is my favourite player probably I would say his form is the least ‘ inspirational ’ , and yet I think his role is to be solid and dependable … so I reckon he is still doing his job and I also do nt see anyone doing it better .
11 The best approach is to be patient and philosophical .
12 As any of the information in the Figure 1 may have a bearing on a section in question , it can readily be seen that advanced hyper-text features are needed if all the relevant subject matter is to be available and easily reached in the electronic medium .
13 Having grown up under the nose of the Israeli war machine , young Palestinians have come to the conclusion that , in the world they inhabit , might is right and the only way to survive and flourish is to be strong and violent .
14 There is no such thing as bad publicity , and sometimes the only way to force change is to be anti-social and become a problem which eventually the authorities have to deal with .
15 This information is necessary if the test user is to be confident that the linguistic abilities which the test purports to measure are indeed the abilities that are actually measured .
16 If the resulting index is to be effective and efficient , the assignment of notation from a classification scheme or the application of subject headings from a recognized list involves skill and judgement .
17 Expert clauses often provide that the decision is to be final and binding in the absence of manifest error .
18 All this under a Tory Government which admits its PSBR is to be double that proposed a few months ago .
19 There is a readily identified ‘ central government interest ’ within the state of destination where considerations of sovereignty may be seen to be involved and where some knowledge of the nature of the documents is necessary if the state of destination is to be sure that its public policy ( e.g. as to bank secrecy ) is not offended .
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