Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] [that] [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yet as we religious communicators no longer have the clout we once had , the result is that we are talking primarily to ourselves .
2 The result is that they are bought up by development companies , insurance companies and pension funds looking to maximize their value .
3 The result is that they are thrown back on their own individual and collective resources .
4 One consequence of this immobility is that everyone is surrounded by people very like himself , most of whom he has always known .
5 The gossip is that she is thinking of resigning from the practice and going back to her home town .
6 They 're selling the work of artists who are on the crest of the wave in the market ; every indication is that they 're selling to raise capital .
7 I have a very vague idea of what this terrible crime is that I 'm trying to get to the bottom of , that you have rats in the basement of your best hotel , or you know , there 's a house falling down somewhere and you 've done absolutely nothing about a closing order , any of these kind of things , but I do n't know a lot about it .
8 His real crime is that he is suspected by the Radical Party and militant members of the ruling Socialists ( ex-communists ) of plotting with the army , of which he was the nominal head , to stage a coup .
9 It was therefore natural for Keynes 's interpreters to infer that the supply curve of labour was horizontal at an arbitrarily given money wage rate for all levels of employment up to full employment : after all , an implication of the unwillingness of workers to accept a wage cut is that they are refusing to supply their labour at a lower money wage .
10 One reason why people in our area consistently vote Labour is that they are told by the Opposition that the whole country owes them a living and that everything that has happened to them — the economic misfortunes of past years — has been inflicted purposely by a Conservative Government .
11 Am I right in supposing that one essential quality of poetry is that it is meant to be read aloud ?
12 The particular value of task-centred work is that it is based on an intention to form an agreement or contract between the client and the worker , thus freeing the client from the burden of always being a grateful recipient .
13 The big benefit is that they are seen walking about
14 The general maxim of the law is that what is annexed to the land becomes part of the land .
15 The pity is that they are missing so much ; for instance , they will never know what it is like to fish a small stream , or any river except perhaps a sluggish canal-like one .
16 The reason for their inclusion is that they are seen as influencing ( or being indicative of ) the responsibility of offenders for their actions .
17 The point at issue is that what is happening is not only a tragedy of today but a portent of tomorrow .
18 Another view of local budgeting is that it is dominated by habit , by small additions to or subtractions from the base budget .
19 The most serious accusation is that they are attempting to take over leading British orthodox synagogues by stealth .
20 Further , since he is only one of a significant group of bishops who came from court in the early seventh century , if there was any general transfer of secular authority to bishops in this period , and the evidence is far from clear on this , the likelihood is that it was condoned by the king .
21 After all , one of the reasons that I 'm doing this job is that I 'm plugged into what 's going on out there .
22 The only difference is that we are setting that fact out clearly in the rules so that people know .
23 The only difference is that they are called taxis .
24 Same pitch slightly different pitch of course er sorry slight difference is that you 're saying that these of course will be handed out to a targeted
25 The difference is that you were left holding the baby .
26 Its other main claim to fame is that it is credited with inventing the word tweed to describe the famous cloth first made in the area .
27 No they 're not gon na exploit their own workers but surely the , the , the whole idea of the build up towards land reform is that you are making , I mean in a Marxist sense it 's the only way in which you can do it is , is you make progress through conflict .
28 Often the attraction of broader approaches like counselling is that they are thought to be able to tackle many massive problems at the same time .
29 ‘ The danger is that it is perceived that your board is already committed to change .
30 because the obviously danger 's that it 's snapping the dowels and it 's which , it what happened on , on the case of the two dowels in n it ?
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