Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] [adj] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This signal , we believe , is a diffusing chemical , a morphogen , which is released by the polarizing region , so the concentration is highest at the posterior margin and the concentration decreases away from the polarizing region , being lowest at the anterior margin .
2 In those circumstances , under the law as I hold it , it seems to me that rent is payable at the full rate for the quarters ending September 29 and December 25 , 1945 .
3 However , it can be shown that the containment is weakest at the magnetic equator , and the outcome is leakage from the belt beyond about 20 R J .
4 This complex of elements and activities should be managed such that it ensures that the right product is available at the right price in the right place at the appropriate time to satisfy the needs of target customers in the chosen market segments .
5 A European consumers ' pressure group is angry at the chaotic state of control on such potentially-lethal products .
6 The argument so far has been that since meaning is indeterminate at the non-observational level , translation must be too .
7 The Commission is present at the political co-operation meetings , which proves useful and important , but it does not have the monopoly of initiative , as it would have if the meetings took place under the treaty of Rome .
8 ( 6 ) Subject as mentioned below , the tender may be at a fixed price ( tenders in excess of the number of shares sought being scaled down pro rata ) , or a maximum price ( if the offer is over-subscribed , the striking price will be the lowest price at which the number of shares sought is met , with everyone tendering at or below the striking price receiving that price and if the offer is over-subscribed at the striking price acceptances will be scaled down pro rata or balloted ) .
9 ( The fact that the entity is single at the intensional level explains why the verb is singular despite the plurality of nouns and of referents . )
10 ‘ The committee endorses this action by the licensing authority ’ , Goldberg 's letter goes on , ‘ and considers that , in the light of the apparent safety hazard , suspension of the licence is appropriate at the present time ’ .
11 The power to renew a seamen 's canteen licence is exercisable at the quarterly meeting three years after the meeting at which the licence was first granted ( subs .
12 This animal has a similar diet , the colon has a caecum similar to man , and the anatomy is similar at the microscopic level .
13 After contracts are approved and signed , and the deposit money is ready at the appropriate place in the chain , the exchange process may begin .
14 But with more than two thirds of its products sold abroad , the company 's concerned at the continuing downturn in its export markets .
15 Golf is available at the magnificent Pevero Golf Club at Porto Cervo .
16 ( i ) to secure that the right land is available at the right time for the implementation of national , regional and local plans :
17 Interest is payable at the full rate from the date of death ( Prior v Hastie [ 1987 ] CLY 1219 ; Khan v Duncan ( 1989 ) unreported , Popplewell J ) .
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