Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] [adj] [prep] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The received doctrine is that no seat is safe in an STV election .
2 High Tea 's more of an event with Farley 's Tea Timers .
3 Producers , writers and art directors all come and go , but a production department is vital in an agency and here a certain stability reigns .
4 In a recent case , the Second Division of the Inner House of the Court of Session has decided , in an appeal on the basis of law equally applicable in England and Wales , that a minority shareholder is entitled to an order to wind up the company on the just and equitable ground under s 122(1) ( g ) of the Insolvency Act 1986 , even though he is not entitled to a share purchase order because of unfair prejudice in terms of s 459 , CA 1985 ( see Jesner v Jarrad Properties Ltd , The Times , 26 October 1992 ) .
5 Jimmy Carter 's status as an outsider is central to an understanding of his career in national politics .
6 For completeness , the remainder of this chapter is devoted to an A to Z list of plumbing tools , materials and equipment that you are likely to need for the majority of jobs around the house .
7 Because of the seriousness of this issue , the second section of this chapter is devoted to an analysis of the background to the Kosovo problem and an assessment of current policies towards it .
8 Graphical treatment suggests that this effect is linear over an interval between the blackout and whiteout points , or possibly a curve with a fairly large radius of curvature .
9 So the story behind the statistical shift from self-employment to wage labour is one of an exodus from the land .
10 Fly fishing is more of an achievement if you tie your own flies because you have tricked the fish yourself .
11 I wonder whether the cold is much of an anaesthetic .
12 The predominance these spatial constructs have for the ordinary constable is essential to an understanding of the police mind .
13 ‘ In answer to your question , the coach is due in an hour — plenty of time for you to have breakfast . ’
14 This could well be so , but an increase in oxygen is coincident with an increase in appetite , so one could well go with the other .
15 This issue is crucial to an assessment of thoroughgoing holism such as that developed by Althusser , and therefore deserves careful attention .
16 More important , if a trait is advantageous to an individual , it will become fixed in the species by selection , even if it is harmful to the long-term prospects of the species .
17 However , it would help the student if he were introduced to it briefly and with simplicity , not only because a knowledge of serialism is essential to an understanding of today 's music , but also because so many aspects of it can enrich other methods of composition , even in other styles and idioms .
18 The question is complicated by an annotation in the score , ‘ 6 Monkeys Dance here ’ , added at the point where the quarto places this dance ; but this is in the same 18th century hand and ink as the page-references to the 1702 volume of Orpheus Britannicus mentioned earlier .
19 The atmosphere of the little town is that of an age long gone and is best appreciated in late evening when the daily influx of sightseers has departed ; then , in silence , a visitor feels an intruder in a very private community in a fairy-tale setting unrelated to reality .
20 In essence , the section engineer is equivalent to an associate , and takes bottom line responsibility for all his projects .
21 As such its nature is essential to an understanding of the decisions and structures of the late twentieth century .
22 The nature is more of an epitaph .
23 This distinction is basic to an understanding of what was revolutionary in the Copernican achievement .
24 It is important to contact the relevant authority if the site is subject to an option agreement and solicitors therefore not instructed .
25 This is the reason there are so many personal stories in the magazine this month and why the entire keynote article is devoted to an attempt to understand how poor people make decisions about their childbearing .
26 This is the reason there are so many personal stories in the magazine this month and why the entire keynote article is devoted to an attempt to understand how poor people make decisions about their childbearing .
27 Such anthropomorphising of the salty liquid that swills about the surface of the planet is prominent in an anthology of writing about the sea under the parameters Jonathan Raban has set himself as editor .
28 For example , an oak is different from an elm or a beech ; but occasionally , it is useful to consider them all together : the word tree makes this possible .
29 This concept is crucial to an understanding of all biology for , as we will see , even the broad composition explained in second-form chemistry , with four-fifths nitrogen and one-fifth oxygen , is far from fixed .
30 Researchers in Sheffield analysed the contents of several popular brands and found that giving a baby the recommended dose of eight 5ml spoons a day is equivalent to an adult drinking five tots of whisky !
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