Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [adj] [conj] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 If you 've got something to say about anybody , make sure it 's good , there 's nothing wrong with gossip as long as it 's healthy in n it ?
2 On the one hand it would be perfectly in order to write the biography of a poet as long as it is understood that it would be ‘ on a par with biographies of generals and inventors ’ ( Tomashevsky 1978 : 55 ) and was not mistaken for literary science .
3 Ahmed : I think that the Union should support developments towards workers organizing around issues of oppression as long as it is within a progressive ideology .
4 The PA will continue , with your help , its vigorous defence of the NBA as long as it is supported by the membership , and of course remains legal .
5 There is nothing intrinsically evil about a scientific world outlook as long as it is rooted in the life and authority of God .
6 There 's nothing , it seems , that ca n't be turned into a salad as long as it is properly dressed .
7 At local level , voluntary welfare organizations , usually run on a diocesan basis , often act as agents for the local authority in providing facilities for the reception of unmarried mothers and some provide long-term accommodation for mothers and their growing children or general social work help as long as it is necessary .
8 It is quite alright to continue no enjoy handling your cat as usual and it is almost impossible to catch toxoplasmosis from a cat scratch .
9 Conversely , to state the law as doubtful when it is not doubtful will also be penalised in marks .
10 In other words science is seen by Parsons to be free from social determination as long as it is not penetrated by secondary selectivity or ‘ ideology ’ .
11 Use hardwood if possible because it is less likely to deflect under load , but a softwood bar is usually adequate when dealing with short lengths .
12 It probably matters little where we choose that point as long as it is not at infinity .
13 It does n't matter what sort as long as it 's regular and brisk enough to stimulate your circulation — you 'll know this when you start to sweat and your cheeks develop a tingling glow .
14 To come within the scope of the law of confidence , the information does not have to be particularly special and , as in the above case , ordinary and mundane information can be the proper subject matter of confidence as long as it is private to the person who has compiled the information , even though others could gather similar information if they took the trouble to do so .
15 Some countries , such as Germany , do not regard a waste as hazardous if it is intended for recycling .
16 This attenuation is likely to be reflected in two principal ways : given information is pronounced with lower pitch and weaker stress than new and it is subject to pronominalization .
17 I do n't mind criticism as long as it 's constructive .
18 Lina likes music — any kind of music as long as it 's not too noisy — and especially likes to listen to her son playing classical music on the piano .
19 Replace the box as necessary when it is chewed .
20 No , they 're quite happy to lend Stuart the money as long as it 's not more than thirty two which that is n't .
21 It must also take account of : ( 1 ) the market position and economic and financial strength of the parties to the merger ; ( 2 ) the availability of alternative products ; ( 3 ) barriers to entry ; ( 4 ) the interests of consumers ; and ( 5 ) the development of technical and economic progress as long as it is to consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition .
22 The institute has committed itself to continuing to offer practical help and communication expertise as long as it is needed in the recovery process .
23 The crayons can be sharpened in an ordinary sharpener as long as it 's designed to take the thicker pencils or crayons .
24 The line manager should offer as much support as possible although it is acknowledged that in certain circumstances the individual might wish to seek support from another colleague rather than their line manager .
25 It is obviously better if trees can be out of the ground for as short a time as possible and it is much less expensive to buy bare root transplants .
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