Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [pron] are not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The alliance is cemented by that traditional political religion , forged in the previous century , which sees the natural law as most accessible to true believers , that it is obligatory to enforce its practice by law , and that those holding other views only have rights to put their views into practice when they are not seen by the bishops to do harm to the social fabric .
2 Qaddafi , however , thinks of nations as permanently active groups in continual session , not disappearing from practice when they are not needed .
3 Maybe partners will come to feel that schools will respond better to the aims of education set out in the 1988 Education Act if they are not tied to curricula based on the traditional subjects alone .
4 Remember , the terrorists were saying , that there can be no lasting peace if we are not involved .
5 Wear loose , comfortable clothing if you are not exercising in leotards and tights .
6 You must be willing to take detours when they come up and not panic because you are not following your plan exactly .
7 Supratentorial infiltrating , low grade gliomas are often difficult to identify on computed tomography because they are not associated with significant mass effect and may not enhance with intravenous contrast medium .
8 As a suggestion , could I ask you to consider whether Constabulary could share the Heather/Sally machine when they are not using it ?
9 If you expect heavy use of Offline ( which will be particularly the case if you are not using the Module Version Deletion facility ) , you should probably increase this parameter before running CREFDL .
10 Also , you will need to be particularly careful with your diet if you are not to suffer from fatigue .
11 As well as making quick botch jobs of things that need careful repair if they are not to fall apart again next week , teachers , when they confront the impossibility of doing everything they ought to do head on , are faced with making some very tough priority decisions .
12 Heavier passengers will cause greater injury to others in an accident if they are not wearing a seat belt .
13 Fundraising by major charities for older people must emphasise both sides of the picture if they are not to reinforce harmful stereotypes .
14 Boys are left in the community because they are not felt to need such protection .
15 From the Latin limbus ( the edge ) , it is the name given to the region inhabited by those spirits who can go neither to Heaven because they are not baptised , nor to Hell because they have committed no great sin .
16 It means devastation and despair if you are not invited to her party !
17 Namibia 's media institutions can not play an effective role in the process of nation-building and development if they are not staffed with knowledgeable and skilled personnel , nor can they hope to be successful in their general functions to inform and enlighten the Namibian public without adequate professional training and research .
18 Namibia 's media institutions can not play an effective role in the process of nation-building and development if they are not staffed with knowledgeable and skilled personnel , nor can they hope to be successful in their general functions to inform and enlighten the Namibian public without adequate professional training and research .
19 Wait for another day if you are not feeling absolutely on top line .
20 Check if this carries VAT — it comes as a nasty shock if you are not expecting it .
21 ‘ Although if there are two people at odds you may lose a bit because they are not going to get their ideas together .
22 But they know my ancestral chain so they are not trying it on too much . ’
23 They must retain the calm spaciousness of movement if they are not to destroy the essence of the classical style .
24 If this population is representative of the UK nationally , a substantial number of patients dying from end stage liver disease is being denied the option of liver transplantation because they are not referred for assessment .
25 As well as being treated with an anthelmintic , severely affected animals may require antibiotics if pyrexic and may be i need of hydration if they are not drinking .
26 You need flexibility to change tack if you are not getting it right .
27 One snag is that some statistical tests , especially calculations of sample error , can not be made on quota sampling because they are not based on random sampling .
28 Sipping a Sling does not have the same flavour of nostalgia when you are not sitting in the old hotel with the arches and verandahs imagining you are Somerset Maugham .
29 All young people are at risk where they are not wanted , despised or feared .
30 In particular , do not start with the historical background if you are not asked for it , unless you have some special reason for doing this — and if so , state the reason .
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