Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [pron] will [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will now announce the results of his consideration of the case for the posthumous pardon of Derek Bentley .
2 To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will now introduce free television licences for pensioners ; and if he will make a statement .
3 I am confident that when he reaches his teens he will challenge and possibly reject religion as he will earlier have rejected his other fantasies .
4 The person to be interviewed should be given some indication of the topic and possibly of the kinds of questions they might be asked but it is important that there should not be any rehearsal of the interview as they will then lose their spontaneity .
5 Paul McCartney and Madonna , Robert Maxwell and Rupert Murdoch all have more money than they will ever need .
6 It can also be used on top of an electric blanket although you 'll soon discover that because of the natural thermal qualities of lambswool fleece you 'll be using your electric blanket much less .
7 The inspectors are aware that many people do n't know about this law so they will usually give just a warning to first offenders .
8 One monk noted in reply to the Commission 's enquiries that religious communities probably owe to music more of their spirituality than they will ever know .
9 ‘ I still love rugby so I will probably attempt to play a game .
10 I 've had more shooting practice out here in the fields with Davide than I 'll ever have in Caserta !
11 That took more courage than you 'll ever possess .
12 If we follow the pragmatist in this order of argument — if we begin with individual official responsibility — we will reach his conclusion because we will then lack any appropriate explanation of why a vote for a checkerboard solution is wrong , any explanation of why a particular official should regard the compromise as a worse outcome than the outcome he regards as more uniformly unjust .
13 Carriers are expected to be the first users of the interface since it will significantly reduce the cost of building a new Frame Relay network or of extending an existing Frame Relay network .
14 The company reportedly has 15 systems management packages , which it got in some cases by acquisition ( Fusion for example ) , covering such items as operations , performance , security and storage architected for client/server so they will supposedly support OS/2 , Windows NT and Presentation Manager clients .
15 Seek the Lord while he may be found , call upon him while he is near , let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man is thoughts and let them return to the Lord , for what 's gon na happen , for he will of compassion on him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon those words were very quoted from Acts , chapter sixteen , when that Philippine jailer said Lord what must I do , sir what must I do to be saved and there Paul timac believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved this is God 's way by repentance in faith that 's presented in Jesus , he is the only saviour , not your works , not my works , not our good deeds , not our religious observances , he is the only saviour , did he not say himself I am the way the truth and the life , nobody comes to the father but by me .
16 And to our God for he will abundantly pardon .
17 You can now forget about the Vehicle Watchdog as it will automatically switch itself on and off and the extensive battery life will ensure long and reliable service .
18 ‘ There will always be problems of this kind because you will always have the bad as well as the good in the world .
19 Well I 'm not going out to buy any now I 'm gon na wait till next week so we 'll just have
20 I 'm coming from LS6 that morning with a mate so I 'll probably try for the Adelphi for lunch-time .
21 ‘ I 'll ring Mr Pritchard to fetch me in the morning if you 'll just let me stay the night . ’
22 I tidy and vacuum the sitting room after she 's gone to bed — I do n't see any point in doing it in the morning because it 'll only get messed up again .
23 It 's where to pay to money , and you 're having to go to the bank manager , what would he ask for ? the business plan , and you 'd have to draw that up and do all the and you have to impress the bank manager before he will even consider an overdraft facility , or whatever , a loan .
24 Securicor have joined the cowboys on the contract guarding and really I mean you must be getting sick of us getting up every time about security guards , but it 's an important problem and you must know that a lot of you must work at places where you 've got guards on the gate and we all should take a bit of interest in going to see these guards , find out that they 're working for two pound or two pound forty an hour , they 're working as many hours a week as they 'll actually work with no overtime rate , no night rate , no benefits worth having and I mean really I wish you 'd go to your companies and try and arrange site allowances , cos that 's the only way we 'll get any improvements , but when we talk about resolving grievances , we just took in Yorkshire region someone to a tribunal for constructive dismissal .
25 Overfilling the bags is a false economy as you will swiftly ruin the contents , making them bent , crushed or torn .
26 Increase the heat and reduce the liquid until it will just coat the chicken .
27 Professionally set up , a JD would make as good a Tele as you 'll ever need , so join the new age of guitar realism — be cheap and be proud .
28 Then , crouching down , I peered out through the pouring rain and saw such a sight as I will never forget .
29 Equally , there 's no need to go for a savings scheme which gives you a cheque book if you 'll never use it .
30 Of course , one cornerstone of this model of the structure of heroin ‘ epidemics ’ is the questionable assumption that only a certain proportion of the population are likely to take heroin , the corollary assumption being that the ‘ epidemic ’ must have a life cycle because it will eventually exhaust the pool of potential heroin users .
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