Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [noun] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 He believes size is everything in the computer industry because companies need to be big enough to fund development .
2 Skills require practice while concepts need to be represented mentally and linked with other concepts .
3 As late as the eighteenth century some of the most renowned painters of France , Boucher , Lancret and Watteau among them , found it no more beneath them to paint gallant scenes on the artificial eggs presented by the king to members of his court at Easter than Cellini did to be called on to unpick the precious stones from Clement VII 's tiara as the Imperial troops advanced to sack Rome in 1527 .
4 Carol 's been a bad girl so Carol has to be put in her place in front of the man . ’
5 ‘ He was an expert on Russian affairs — as much of an expert as MPs get to be on anything — and they made him a junior minister to add credibility to their soft-line policy .
6 Where now is the consumer 's demand for weekly one-stop shopping when bread has to be bought fresh daily ?
7 The men 's final began in truly exciting style with an abundance of winning shots on both sides and looked to be a most promising match until play had to be suspended at 3–2 .
8 Growing environmental opposition to nuclear power in these countries is likely to find a new focus if waste has to be stored and reprocessed on their own soil .
9 Testing stands as the ‘ hard ’ pole because procedures tend to be external , formal , judgemental , product-orientated , and analytic in their method of assessment .
10 I have been present at occasions of celebration when poets and singers — there is often no distinction since poems tend to be sung or chanted — have made up verses on the spot and provided a seemingly endless number of embellishments .
11 Mr Stewart said one of the more ‘ involved and audacious ’ thefts took place when Gamble pretended to be interested in buying a Ford Escort XR3 from a Billingham garage .
12 Silence hung heavily in the room as Hari seemed to be assessing her words .
13 Where a party can not protect his position by a payment into court , he may make the other party a written offer filing a copy with the court , but not to be brought to the attention of the court until costs fall to be decided ( Ord 12 , r 10 ) and similarly , where contribution arises a party may make a written offer to contribute ( Ord 12 , r 7 ) .
14 The basic professional stand against censorship is sound but it is weakened by inaction when opportunities arise to be decisive and it is further weakened by elements of the profession which seek to censor , while often interpreting this as positive discrimination .
15 Chapter 13 looks at the requirements of educators in using signed messages and argues that even in a teaching environment where English has to be reinforced the teacher requires access to both BSL and signed English .
16 With this faint translucent grey the face , pose and clothing were rapidly sketched from life in a free and speculative manner although care had to be exercised around the face where the tint of grey would also shade the flesh .
17 The honeymoon lasted only a week because Hubert had to be back at school for the start of the Michaelmas Term .
18 The authors conclude that anti-smoking campaigns should consider increasing the emphasis on the extent to which smoking is an unattractive habit as attractiveness appears to be an area in which women smokers are already vulnerable .
19 A key figure for this last task was the archbishop of Canterbury , but not all were as reliable or as effective on the king 's behalf as Sudbury proved to be : Islip ( 1349–66 ) had not secured the sexennial grant requested in 1356 , although probably even Sudbury would have had problems with such an extreme proposal ; and after Sudbury , Courtenay ( 1381–96 ) was not always obliging .
20 One important distinction between the two writers is that Bentham became much more favourably disposed towards the prison as a medium of criminal reformation than Beccaria appeared to be ( a point to which I shall return later ) .
21 Yanto realised he might well have to make a special journey to pick up the old man if Julie happened to be out .
22 In Scotland , while the stamp duty change will benefit more homeowners than elsewhere because of the lower property prices , the change in tax relief will be a hindrance because mortgages tend to be lower .
23 Im not quite as down on the performance as others seem to be .
24 ‘ Oh , well , as to that — it seemed the sensible thing if Rohan wanted to be master of La Tour Monchauzet .
25 Everyone thought there 'd be a roar of ribald laughter at that line if Puck happened to be hopping around the stage in plaster at the time . ’
26 The kitchen is a workplace in its own right ; there is a job to be done , and it will be impossible for the speechreader to deal with the matter in hand if eyes have to be constantly switched to the speaker 's face .
27 ‘ I am devoting myself to this mystery because i want to be a man . ’
28 This was not a limitation in this analysis because endo-metriosis has to be diagnosed by laparoscopy or laparotomy .
29 On behalf of the solicitors Mr. Sumption argued that the power to make orders under section 6(2) was extended to persons concerned in the contravention because money ordered to be repaid , or contracts or securities ordered to be delivered up , or guarantees ordered to be cancelled may be in the hands of third parties , such as agents , assignees or chargees .
30 Kirsch is a good addition , but I am not as crazy about this combination as Europe seems to be ; orange of any kind is much better .
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