Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] at the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She 's had a blood leakage into the vitreous humour , ’ Belinda explained unnecessarily , her heart thudding at the sight of him .
2 In the church where I was converted , the service began with a muffled announcement from the back , followed by a lengthy hymn during which thirty men and women in long blue dresses , white nightshirts and yellowing ruffs walked up and down the various corridors in the building singing at the top of their voices .
3 Later that day , after many interviews with ladies who looked as if they 'd come straight from an enthralling hour knitting at the foot of the guillotine , we found our garret .
4 That just depicts the same structure in terms of constituents and sub-constituents , so the whole thing is a sentence which in the bracketing notation just has the sentence with its bracket and the other bracket 's way down the other end , and this is mirrored by the label sentence occurring at the top of the tree , it means it covers everything below it roughly .
5 an Aux(iliary) Input ( also a stereo 3.5 mm socket ) connects a cassette player to the GX-7 , the guitar output is mixed in and can be heard via a pair of Walkman headphones connected to the Out , the guitar appearing at the centre of the stereo image .
6 She was about to do the same with the contents of another file when something made her pause , hair prickling at the back of her head .
7 It begins with Thom gazing at the object of his fixation , flattering her with couplets like , ‘ You 're just like an angel/Your skin makes me cry . ’
8 Allan Ramsay 's engaging portrait of Sir Edward and Lady Turner ( lot 21 , unpublished est. £250,000–350,000 ) , fresh from exhibition at the National Portrait Galleries of Edinburgh and London and sent to auction by the sitters ' descendants , fetched the morning 's top price , as expected , when it sold for £500,000 , an auction record for his work , to an agent bidding at the back of the room on behalf of a private collector against keen competition from David Posnett of Leger , who was the purchaser of a conversation piece by Nathaniel Hone ( lot 26 , est. £40,000–60,000 ) for £36,000 .
9 There was the afternoon when he drove out to the Crumbles and they slept for three hours , the wind pushing at the side of the car like a crowd .
10 Brenton , in a study looking at the feasibility of the voluntary sector replacing the statutory sector to some degree in the provision of personal services , concludes :
11 What is valuable is to see that here is a critic writing at the top of his bent .
12 There was a longer gash on her right elbow and a bruise forming at the top of her arm .
13 EO will first release the Personal Communicators in an extensive beta test programme beginning at the end of the year .
14 What would the position be if there was an exceptionally strong gale blowing at the time of the original road accident ?
15 In the end , the radical change of direction which the country took under Mrs Thatcher was the result not merely of the party donning a new suit of clothes but of the electorate despairing at the failure of thirty years of consensus politics to do anything to arrest the inexorable process of national decline .
16 Then , staring across the moonlit yard , she saw his tall figure standing at the top of the slope leading down to the river .
17 Ace inched along the lip of metal beside the stanchion and found the Dalek Killer sitting at the end of the girder , his legs dangling over the drop .
18 If she did sense an added aura of poignancy it was probably because in less than two weeks Tivoli would close its turnstiles and remain dormant until its spring awakening at the end of the following April .
19 He felt the blood hammering at the pit of her neck , and among the tendons at the back of his skull .
20 TOP industrialists from the United States travelled to Snowdonia to hold a board meeting at the site of their latest acquisition Austin Taylor Communications Ltd at Bethesda .
21 Claudia asked , her heart sinking at the idea of Dana rushing from shorts into a wedding dress in the space of a few minutes .
22 ‘ They are on a special Premier League committee looking at the development of youngsters .
23 For television , what began with the appointment in March 1985 of Professor Alan Peacock to chair a committee looking at the financing of the BBC , has turned into a radical shake-up of commercial TV which , for the moment , leaves the BBC largely unscathed .
24 ‘ That bit 's too short , ’ said the boy looking at the piece of wire that Philip had just cut .
25 I arrived at the House in time to be greeted by the sight of Alan Clark , the maverick right wing MP for Plymouth Sutton , rushing out of Westminster Hall shouting at the top of his voice , ‘ She 's won , she 's won . ’
26 This exercise would be especially useful if it was used in work looking at the development of castles , from motte and bailey , to stone keep , to sophisticated fortress .
27 And with beer drinking declining at the rate of 10 per cent in the South East and five per cent in the North , breweries have realised they must cut prices .
28 Limone is a very old village nestling at the foot of the cliffs on the lake 's western shore .
29 Another village nestling at the foot of the wolds , not far from Claythorpe and adjacent to extensive woodlands , is Willoughby .
30 1.3 ‘ Net receipts ’ means payments due and actually paid and received by the Publisher arising from the sale or exploitation of the Video and converted into sterling at the current rate of exchange existing at the date of receipt in the United Kingdom
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