Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] the [noun] to be " in BNC.

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1 ( There was one further point : Harper carried out work in good faith believing the car to be his ; because of this Bennett recovered a car worth more than it would otherwise have been .
2 Where in registered land a new covenant is given by the new husband to the mortgagee , the mortgagee may require a certified copy of the transfer containing the covenant to be lodged with the deeds so that it has a proper record of the liability of the new husband , the transfer incorporating the covenant itself being at the Land Registry .
3 There were new tricks of modelling to be learned too — how to remove a coat , sliding It carefully off her shoulders with the sleeves hanging in perfect balance , never for one moment allowing the inside to be on view , for samples were often unlined .
4 Make sure you can be seen and wear a personal buoyancy aid until you feel confident with a harness — a strength-saving device allowing the sailor to be attached to the sail and use body weight more efficiently .
5 This logical name points to a file containing the cache to be pre-loaded on startup of the user image , and used subsequently to store your cache on normal completion of the session .
6 It was a lengthy and not a little dangerous , chemical process requiring the gas to be cooled through a large tub of water from barrels containing iron filings onto which sulphuric acid had been poured .
7 It 's been a bit difficult because we are used to doing the things that choirs do , having music and hiding behind it , and of course getting the girls to be uninhibited has been a bit difficult , but they 've taken to it very well actually and having the costumes for today 's rehearsals has been a great help .
8 More than 100 porters who help carry the luggage of VIP passengers at Heathrow airport were sacked after going on strike demanding the right to be represented by a union .
9 In all criminal and civil proceedings any such code shall be admissible in evidence ; and if any provision of such a code appears to the court or tribunal conducting the proceedings to be relevant to any question arising in the proceedings it shall be taken into account in determining that question .
10 Parental responsibility appears here in the form of a duty to ensure that the child is examined ; there is an offence on failing without reasonable cause to comply with requirements of a notice requiting the child to be examined at a stipulated place and time .
11 The United States , having refused in June to sign a protocol to the Antarctic Treaty banning mining in the continent [ see ED 48 ] , has changed its position after the insertion of a clause allowing the ban to be ended after 50 years if a three-quarters majority of voting members of the Antarctic Treaty agree to it .
12 Primary Directory The primary directory containing the modules to be entered into LIFESPAN , up to 50 characters long .
13 Since the external frontiers of a Schengen state may be with another Community state , this poses a possible conflict with Article 8A of the EEC Treaty requiring the Community to be an area without internal frontiers .
14 USER_INPUT/ — is an input parameter specifying the package to be submitted for approval , the nominated approver ( who must have LIFESPAN Quality Assurer privilege ) and the date the package is to be approved by .
15 Freud reinterprets the phenomenon of the loss of a sense of moral responsibility that crowds can show in terms of a crowd allowing the individual to be able ‘ to throw off the repressions of his unconscious instinctual impulses ’ .
16 This is achieved by the bidder procuring the target to be re-registered as a private company and taking advantage of the private company exemption contained in s155. ( 3 ) To save stamp duty .
17 Secondly , information enabling the word to be produced ( spoken or written ) is transmitted to the component labelled response buffer , from which a spoken or written response can be generated .
18 The Law Society has published a statement recommending the procedure to be followed in a case of exchange by telephone or telex ( [ 1980 ] Gazette , 13 February , 144 ) .
19 As he is a very busy person he begs for your report to be in note form listing the public to be reached and the media you select .
20 After the flight to France of James II , Ken took part in the Parliamentary Convention which considered the constitutional position ; he voted that William and Mary be declared Regents and against the Resolution declaring the throne to be vacant .
21 On March 1 , three weeks before the troop withdrawal , the North-Eastern Provincial Council ( the Indian-backed legislature for the predominantly Tamil north and east region ) passed a resolution declaring the area to be an independent state of Eelam .
22 Under section 25(5) of the Act of 1989 I will make an interim order permitting the child to be kept in secure accommodation for three weeks from today .
23 ( 4 ) If a court determines that any such criteria are satisfied , it shall make an order authorising the child to be kept in secure accommodation and specifying the maximum period for which he may be so kept .
24 Features : include three exposure modes : manual , aperture priority and program which lets you point and shoot ; also has extra bright f/2.0 high resolution lens allowing the camera to be used in low light without a flash .
25 In matters of law reform especially , expert reviews constitute a methodology which broadens the range and depth of inquiry , at the same time enabling the subject to be reviewed from a more independent standpoint .
26 This course of action will avoid the possibility of the interest coming to light at a later stage causing the councillor to be the subject of criticism that his view of the public issue was thereby influenced .
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