Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [adv prt] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He spoke suddenly , the question rising up out of the confusion and indignation in his mind .
2 Then we had to then fiddle about and get the chain up with a big pole and heave that up and we always knew that if a dumb hopper come back and they 'd what we used to call they 'd lost a door , one of the doors used to break , used to be about I would say erm eight doors in the hold , separate doors and if one of them broke they 'd fiddle about with a big , what we would call a pole with a hook on trying to get hold of the chain and we 'd see that there pole sticking up out of the hold , we knew they lost a door so what they used to do they used to leave with the dredger and we 'd finish that off before we load it , had to .
3 There was a mangle in one room rearing up out of the cardboard boxes like a stag , the chaos ( or the wolves ) had not yet pulled down .
4 They heaved like a single body rising up out of the earth , still covered in clinging soil ; their arms round one anothers ’ shoulders , their hair matted to a uniform colour by sweat and filth , their clothes the same moth-eaten , slept-in brown , dangling straw from their beds .
5 Before Anabelle could learn more , however , they heard a splash in the canal and turned to see a little brown head bobbing up out of the water .
6 So the not-every-day sight of a coffin sticking up out of the hatch-back of a Metro was duly recorded .
7 It sounds crazy to think some Jap mother might see a diaper floating down out of the sky lit up by flares and fires and grab it to put on her crying baby .
8 The driver of one wagon , carrying food and costumes , was alarmed by the dense dark shape of a monastic building welling up out of the horizon : he jerked his reins .
9 Beyond it was another raft with , even as he watched , a dark shape rearing up out of the sea alongside .
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