Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [adv prt] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Instead she found herself remembering things she had disliked about the flat — the row of closed doors in the long dark passage , the kitchen looking out on to a brick wall , the occasional stiflingly hot summer evening when she had longed to be in the country .
2 And the little boy walking round there with a walking stick
3 Jess looked round the big kitchen ; at the dresser full of blue and white china ; the copper kettle hanging steaming over the fire ; the tubs and jugs and iron pans ; the rough whitewashed walls and the big sash window looking out on to a rising kitchen garden .
4 There was rarely any sign of the village breaking up physically as a result of enclosure , whatever happened to it spiritually and culturally .
5 what 's a black arrow pointing up over with a black arrow pointing down over in a triangle ?
6 what 's a black arrow pointing up over with a black arrow pointing down over in a triangle ?
7 Bar/Breakfast room looking out on to a small patio .
8 It is the Underworld indeed , with rain slashing down out of a black sky , and the wind tearing the roses off the side of the house .
9 Yeah , I 've got my band playing down there in a couple of weeks .
10 This was the message coming over strongly at a UK gathering of the Group 's business chiefs on May 26–28 .
11 This is quite easy to do on an animation stand , with the camera pointing down on to a flat board which supports the artwork .
12 But was n't it a risk setting up alone at a time when you would n't be able to work continuously ?
13 The pool of light in which they stood was sharply divided from the darkness pressing up around like a stealthy animal .
14 Terribly fast , it was er , er , over his left shoulder going down there like a rate of knots and he 's now telling the other slips , putting his left hand showing where it might have gone .
15 There was no room service and we were breakfasting in the hotel dining-room at a table looking out on to a square adorned by several yuccas and some dusty oleanders .
16 Reading this , I could have been forgiven for conjuring up a picture of the Queen Mother settling down comfortably by a television set at Sandringham , perhaps a daughter at her side , a corgi at feet and refreshment to hand , basking in the glow of my birthday tribute to her , and making a mental note to instruct the Private secretary in the morning to send a line of thanks to those concerned .
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