Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [adv] [adj] per cent " in BNC.

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1 Very high rates of tariff covering about 7 per cent of goods in the United States and United Kingdom almost disappeared , and the proportion of trade ( excluding agriculture and fuels ) which attracted tariffs of 15 per cent or less rose from 54 per cent to 85 per cent in the USA , from 37 per cent to 85 per cent in the United Kingdom and from 71 per cent to 97 per cent for the EEC .
2 After that time there was increasing participation from merchants , manufacturers , artisans , shopkeepers and also from widows , spinsters and clergymen , whose concern was limited to a return averaging around 5 per cent by 1800 .
3 There is strong evidence from Butler and Stokes ' surveys that housing tenure over-determines party support , in relation to ‘ occupational class ’ : in council housing only 51 per cent of those in occupational classes I-IV with a partisan self-image were found to be Tories , as against 76 per cent in owner-occupied housing .
4 These low thresholds gave an urban population embracing about 90 per cent of the total , and the rural/urban differences shown in Table 5.6 , which reveals that the greatest contrasts are to be found in cars per household and the percentage of people travelling to work on public transport ( both related to each other and to the low density of rural areas ) ; the percentage in social classes I and II ; the rate of unemployment ; and the percentage of those working in manufacturing .
5 In particular , is not the lack of reading space a fiasco , with the new reading room providing only 7 per cent .
6 They concluded that a conflict involving only I per cent of the world 's supply of nuclear weapons would produce enough dust to block out the rays of the sun .
7 The UK chemical industry is one of the most successful parts of the economy producing around 10 per cent of the net manufacturing output and placing Britain among the top four chemical exporting nations .
8 Indeed , in this example the customer would be better off buying now with any credit arrangement charging under 30 per cent a year .
9 At the 1981 Census 16.3 per cent of its employed men had successfully completed higher education , with the next highest region — the South West managing only 13.3 per cent and the Northern Region lowest at 11.5 per cent .
10 Zimbabwe 's was one of the most sophisticated economies in Africa , with manufacturing contributing about 25 per cent of gross domestic product .
11 The Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions ( Landsorganisasjonen i Norge — LO ) , the country 's dominant trade-union federation representing around 35 per cent of the labour force , elected Yngve Haagensen as its new president on Oct. 25 , 1989 .
12 Magnox reactors produce plutonium containing about 75 per cent of plutonium 239 isotope ; AGRs 50–60 per cent ; and PWRs ( like the proposed Sizewell B ) 57 per cent .
13 The second type has no separately applied coating ; instead the whole mirror is cast in a high-tin bronze alloy containing about 25 per cent tin .
14 A new channel , Channel 5 , will also be allocated by competitive tender reaching about 70 per cent of the UK .
15 The court extended job reservation to underprivileged sections of religious minorities , but refused to sanction a proposal by the present government setting aside 10 per cent of posts for poorer members of the upper castes .
16 According to a report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) in March 1990 , the economy had expanded vigorously over the past 2@1/2 years with growth averaging about 4 per cent annually , boosted in 1989 by an income tax reform [ see p. 36561 ] .
17 At the beginning of the eighteenth century domestic exports accounted for around 7 – 8 per cent of national output , through its middle years perhaps 10 or 12 per cent and at its close peaking around 17 per cent .
18 Once under 178 knots you get the gear down and lower the flaps ten per cent ; then under 122 knots lower full flaps and maintain ninety knots to the threshold using around 25 per cent torque .
19 His pernickety attitude and lack of experience led to the film going almost 100 per cent over-budget .
20 The pumice that we know from painful experience in the bathroom consists of material containing over 65 per cent of silica , and there is a general tendency to associate pumice only with acid rocks such as rhyolites .
21 Supplementary financing Providing about 8 per cent of funds , this facility , established in 1977 , is intended to assist countries with longer-term problems in their balance of payments , and for which the normal facilities of the Fund are not adequate .
22 It is a condition of KPMG making the announcement and Offer on the basis described above that the terms of the Offer shall be agreed in advance by the Board of Target and that irrevocable undertakings to accept the Offer , addressed to Client [ and/or KPMG ] , and in a form approved by KPMG , have been received in respect of shares of Target carrying over 50 per cent .
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