Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [adv] all the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She says it is coming on slowly — it 's a long-term job … an awful lot of work … we never envisaged how much time we 'd spend weeding the gravel and general tidying up all the time .
2 They climbed back into the jeep and went on along the rutted lane , lurching and splashing through deep puddles , the Brigadier worrying audibly all the way because ‘ things were n't as they should be . ’
3 There 's new stuff going up all the time in Nottingham .
4 In 'ere sir Getting out all the work that you have n't
5 It might include a 3000m timed run , 15 minutes Indian File , a school relay competition mixing up all the age groups , a leisurely scenic run , and a short pyramid session around the soccer pitch .
6 To ease my conscience , for every parking I bought an indoor pot plant , so that by now we have a veritable jungle growing along all the window sills , crawling up the walls and wrapping their tendrils around the television set .
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