Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [adv] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She glanced up to see a familiar trim figure strolling languidly out of the entrance to the Members ' Enclosure .
2 Rather than locking himself in his bedroom staring mournfully out of the window , Lemn reaches out to his audience , grabs them by the lapels , rapping and ranting his bitter sweet rhyming couplets .
3 Her office , situated off the corridor leading directly out of the reception area , was spacious and subtly feminine .
4 He spoke suddenly , the question rising up out of the confusion and indignation in his mind .
5 Towards evening Fleury was leaning against the rampart at the banqueting hall staring dully out over the foliage , occupied in vague thoughts about food and reviewing in his mind various outstanding meals he had eaten in the course of his existence .
6 They loved the sound of swishing the sheaves made as they were stooked , the clash of the tresses of hard grain against grain , the sight of the rich ears of corn leaning delicately out on the shoulders of the stooks .
7 Then we had to then fiddle about and get the chain up with a big pole and heave that up and we always knew that if a dumb hopper come back and they 'd what we used to call they 'd lost a door , one of the doors used to break , used to be about I would say erm eight doors in the hold , separate doors and if one of them broke they 'd fiddle about with a big , what we would call a pole with a hook on trying to get hold of the chain and we 'd see that there pole sticking up out of the hold , we knew they lost a door so what they used to do they used to leave with the dredger and we 'd finish that off before we load it , had to .
8 There was a mangle in one room rearing up out of the cardboard boxes like a stag , the chaos ( or the wolves ) had not yet pulled down .
9 They heaved like a single body rising up out of the earth , still covered in clinging soil ; their arms round one anothers ’ shoulders , their hair matted to a uniform colour by sweat and filth , their clothes the same moth-eaten , slept-in brown , dangling straw from their beds .
10 Reversed out alongside the gaze of a 1920s movie heroine staring impassively out into the 1960s .
11 A safe distance from shore all sails were set and , with the last anchor hauled in , the mizzen and foresails were backed — the crew hanging far out over the deep-blue water to keep the booms at an angle that would force her bows around towards the south so that her mainsails could fill .
12 It looks as if there 's a wall sticking right out over the shingle . ’
13 Before Anabelle could learn more , however , they heard a splash in the canal and turned to see a little brown head bobbing up out of the water .
14 It was a clear night , with a full moon shining brightly out of the velvet sky .
15 Throughout all this , Curtis contributed least , for the most part staring moodily out of the window .
16 So the not-every-day sight of a coffin sticking up out of the hatch-back of a Metro was duly recorded .
17 They were speedily , if only temporarily , relieved of their worries when a head appeared amidst the gently rolling waves a short distance from the beach , which soon resolved into the — quite pleasing — shape of a woman struggling exhaustedly out of the sea and up the beach beside the jetty .
18 It was called the Eel and Boot and it had a large sign outside with a welly covered in slime and an even slimier serpentine creature peering irritably out of the top of it like Ridley Scott 's alien in one of its earlier manifestations .
19 Some have been designated as sites of special scientific interest ( SSSI ) , but these stop at the low-water mark , allowing rubbish dumping further out on the water .
20 Where the street broadened into a square , the houses were swathed in plumbago and bougainvillaea growing valiantly out of the cobbled pavement .
21 The hall , settled in the lee of two gentle slopes on a narrow road leading westward out of the main street is not in the least unassuming !
22 Their house was on the main road coming uphill out of the town centre .
23 It sounds crazy to think some Jap mother might see a diaper floating down out of the sky lit up by flares and fires and grab it to put on her crying baby .
24 She put her hands over her ears to shut out a repetition of all those humiliating accusations , her training flying straight out of the window .
25 The driver of one wagon , carrying food and costumes , was alarmed by the dense dark shape of a monastic building welling up out of the horizon : he jerked his reins .
26 Beyond it was another raft with , even as he watched , a dark shape rearing up out of the sea alongside .
27 She visualized the photo in its cheap frame , enshrined on the mantelpiece , the pathetic couple smiling determinedly out into the dingy bed-sitter , where nappies steamed in front of the fire , and the smell of fried food lay heavy on the air .
28 And you 've all seen and probably participated in the scene where a sequence of such meeting is brought to its climax by one partner coming right out with the movie cliché ‘ We ca n't go on meeting like this ’ or less effectively ‘ Long time no see ! ’
29 The first set can be supported under paving slabs , and holds six strands of wire projecting horizontally out over the edge of the pool .
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