Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] when [pers pn] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The Russian law on citizenship , adopted in November 1991 , extended that privilege not only to the population of the Russian Federation but also to those living in other republics who requested it , and the Russian defence minister , Pavel Grachev , made it clear that fellow nationals would be defended ‘ wherever they live ’ ; Vice-President Rutskoi called more directly for recognition of the Dnestr republic , and the Foreign Ministry intervened when it appeared that the civil rights of Russian speakers in the newly independent Baltic republics were being infringed .
2 Her heartbeat quickened when she saw that Andrew Walker had telephoned twice that morning , and would like her to return his call as soon as possible .
3 Preston 's nan demanded when she heard that Mary Moxton was In Trouble and none of his making .
4 My rather innocent trust crumbled when I realized that as far as the police were concerned , I was little better than a criminal on whom they must keep tabs .
5 I 'd just about got a speech arranged when you announced that the afternoon had been no big deal ! ’
6 Interest increased when he revealed that among the types of RNA successfully attacked was RNA from the HIV virus which causes Aids .
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