Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [adv prt] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was no name painted up over the door .
2 I thought this was quite a plus actually , because we were able to get away with murder during the beginning , in some ways doing things that on paper looked very expensive but in reality balanced out over the year we were scheduled . ’
3 The dpc could also be bridged by garden soil banked up against the wall ; rendering taken down over the dpc would also allow moisture to creep past , However , in these cases , the affected area is usually isolated .
4 Intuitively , one might claim that the need for completeness which is satisfied when are angry is added to residents in ( 2 ) is of the same order as that experienced when waiting for , say , the splash of a stone thrown out over the sea , or for the arrival of food in one 's mouth when one has watched it being prepared .
5 ‘ There 's someone to see you , ’ the technical operator called through over the talkback system as she pushed her chair back to stand , gathering together her yellow bulletin flimsies with their handwritten amendments .
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