Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [coord] [pers pn] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But later the Irish pound recovered and it is now comfortably within its level in the ERM , Europe 's currency club .
2 Within months , her condition improved and she is now the proud mother of Alexandra .
3 As water power became less important , the community declined but it is still preserved as an example of an early settlement .
4 But it is an expensive one in terms of living tissue produced and it is not the only one possible .
5 If the council receives a large number of letters about a development , this will give it an idea of the strength of feeling involved and it is much better than a petition .
6 The gang fled and it is not thought any were hit .
7 It would appear unlikely that a difference of two water molecules could account for the large destabilisation observed and it is therefore probable that minor groove hydration is not the singularly most important destabilising effect the sequence currently under investigation .
8 I have the greatest sympathy for hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West ( Mr. Janner ) , but there is a principle involved and it is about time that my right hon. and learned Friend stopped speaking as a lawyer and started acting as a politician .
9 As already pointed out , many middle-aged people have a sense of time lost and it is not unusual for resentment and opposition to arise to the ideas and activities of those who are seen as more fortunate .
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