Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [noun pl] like [det] " in BNC.

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1 I and my colleagues understand the anxiety caused by uncertainties like this and will clarify the position as early as possible .
2 NATIONAL and Provincial building society 's new My Money Game is proving a smash hit with schoolkids like these youngsters from Owlsmoor Primary in Camberley Surrey .
3 However , with knowledge gleaned from books like this , displays in museums , an eagle eye and infinite patience , bargains could , and will still be found — for tens of pounds , rather than hundreds .
4 And for fans of the specialist music sold at shops like this one at Wolverton in Milton Keynes , the festival is a major boost for dance music …
5 The sanitized , simplified , view of the world offered in films like this anticipates later television styles , and mark the beginning of the closedown of any willingness on the part of British filmmakers to confront the difficulties of contemporary life .
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