Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] been in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The rumour mill had been in high gear since late January , when the fifty-seven year old Mr Brown announced he would retire by the end of the year to devote more time to ‘ parenting ’ and to the university founded by his family in Providence , Rhode Island ( see The Art Newspaper No. 16 , March 1992 , p. 5 ) .
2 ‘ If the business had been in good heart it would have cost you a great deal more .
3 Indeed , contrary to MAFF 's stubbornly held views that the LFA Directive can not be used to support conservation except as an ancillary to agricultural development , the then Minister of Agriculture , Mr Peter Walker , answered a question in the House on 10 December 1981 on how successful the LFA Directive had been in encouraging production in the UK .
4 Her remark had been in bad taste , she acknowledged , but that was no reason for him to lay into her with yet another string of personal insults , all dished out in that patronising way that got her blood heated to boiling-point .
5 The economy had been in serious trouble during 1972 and 1973 .
6 I am sure that , if those on the Treasury Bench had been in local government , they would soon be facing surcharges for the abuse of public funds .
7 Her father had been in bleak despair , and Caroline had been dispatched to a childless relative for the duration of the trauma .
8 Mr punch had been in high spirits , too , in the summer of 1856 , thinking that crinoline was a great joke .
9 The barrier had been in perfect order when I arrived — boards secure , nailheads flush — so through I 'd come , tugging it all closed behind me .
10 In 1830 a monk living in Bentota , a village on the south-western coast , singled out George Turnour , an Englishman whose career had been in Kandyan districts , as an unusual arbitrator in that he understood Sinhala .
11 Before that time , alcohol had been in general use to deaden pain , though some sturdy souls rejected it on principle .
12 The Soviet Union had been in close contact with the Iranians , Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Belonogov having visited Tehran on Feb. 5-8 for talks with Vellayati and with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mahmoud Va'ezi .
13 The FPR 's latest unsuccessful incursion into Rwandan territory had been in late January [ see p. 37950-51 ] .
14 As with Northern Tyneside as a whole , the growth in employment had been in part-time employment for women with a significant growth in part-time employment for men .
15 The Soren Larsen , which starred in the TV series the Onedin Line had been in dry dock for seven months .
16 An inquiry found that the vintage plane had been in good working order .
17 The most staggering growth had been in public employment and in social security transfer payments , two forms of growth politicians find very hard to limit .
18 Though the sack of Delphi by the Celts is a legend , Apollo 's city had been in actual danger of being sacked .
19 Agriculture had been in steady decline since the 1870s , and after a brief post-war boom was to sink back into it again in the 1930s .
20 Gunpowder had been in widespread use in Europe in mining and quarrying since the early seventeenth century , but two hundred years later the techniques available for detonating the charges were still very primitive .
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