Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] into [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He laughed suddenly and all the tight irritation in his face melted away , so that , as usual , Robyn felt confused and foolish because being angry with him was so difficult and pointless when his mouth curved into that wonderful smile and his eyes sparkled so .
2 In the medieval monastic library , knowledge fell into such simple categories that broad grouping on shelves could be accompanied by only the simplest of catalogue descriptions .
3 Similarly , the 1989 plans to loosen barristers ' stranglehold on appearance in court ran into such heavy opposition even from radicals — or what passes for radicalism in such a deeply orthodox business — that the plans of an elected government were tempered by vested interest .
4 Neither man went into any detailed argument about how robots will create jobs .
5 A massive amount of effort went into these parallel developments , according to Nick Price , technical director of Unix International Europe .
6 Lord Woodleigh 's long ascetic face broke into another ice-cracked smile .
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