Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] into [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He laughed suddenly and all the tight irritation in his face melted away , so that , as usual , Robyn felt confused and foolish because being angry with him was so difficult and pointless when his mouth curved into that wonderful smile and his eyes sparkled so .
2 Er my Lord er the second observation I make about erm Mr opinion erm and the facts upon which it is based is that his opinion is hotly disputed er , not least because of what it would be submitted is the highly speculative nature of this enterprise er , when you are being asked to consider with the benefit of hindsight , whether or not a business entered into some eighty years ago , was likely to have failed and er it is also an exercise which in my submission is entirely irrelevant if your Lordship would find the basis of compensation which I contend for is the one because the logic of not having to become involved in any investigation of whether or not this business would probably have been unsuccessful in any event .
3 It is perhaps disappointing to note that over a quarter of the total sample fell into this latter category , and it may be emphasized that staff in libraries of all sizes have training needs .
4 In the medieval monastic library , knowledge fell into such simple categories that broad grouping on shelves could be accompanied by only the simplest of catalogue descriptions .
5 Similarly , the 1989 plans to loosen barristers ' stranglehold on appearance in court ran into such heavy opposition even from radicals — or what passes for radicalism in such a deeply orthodox business — that the plans of an elected government were tempered by vested interest .
6 Neither man went into any detailed argument about how robots will create jobs .
7 A massive amount of effort went into these parallel developments , according to Nick Price , technical director of Unix International Europe .
8 Lord Woodleigh 's long ascetic face broke into another ice-cracked smile .
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