Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] on [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Concurrent with the arrest of Guiding Lights , a combined police and customs task force swooped on twenty five addresses in London to unearth a further cache of over two tons of cannabis in a garage .
2 Apart from the four tRNAs , which constitute unique entities on the mitochondrial genome , deletion bore on two respiratory complexes : complex III with cytochrome b , and complex I. This latter was particularly affected , 5 subunits being either totally absent ( ND6 , ND4 and ND4L ) or severely truncated ( ND1 and ND5 ) .
3 After the initial euphoria of the war ending , the Club started on another six years of intense struggle for survival , despite investment .
4 Cecil 's colt 's success at the highest level came on this very course in last season 's Racing Post Trophy .
5 It was such a freak open accident that no amount of preparation or legislation could have prevented what the boy did on that particular occasion .
6 Seine-et-Marne ) some 60 km away , bringing with them 18 women ( including ten " with their children " , because the case turned on legal free status which was transmitted through a mother to her offspring ) .
7 Suddenly his eye fell on one stubble-shaved neck and back of head .
8 Wrath turned on that Prime Minister when it was realised that he was not right , just as it will turn on the present Prime Minister .
9 IBMer Tom Whiteside , Somerset 's co-director said the architectural specifications have been completed , extended to 64-bits , and development started on all four processors .
10 Another screaming beast collapsed on broken hind legs .
11 Much of this spending went on new industrial units , schemes that might take years to implement , and for which there may have been an appropriate upper limit .
12 The pine cone appeared on many ancient amulets and was regarded as a symbol of fertility .
13 For a British army encamped on ancient Carthaginian ground , it was perhaps natural to enjoy without too many qualms some at least of the diversions which Livy suggested had got the better of the Carthaginians .
14 It would be a tragedy , as some have argued , to see the door closed on closer economic convergence with the prospect of a single European currency at the end of it .
15 More problematic still — for an audience weaned on mere generic repetition — are the Manic Street Preachers .
16 For a little while the camera stayed on that pathetic figure , swaying slightly from side to side , then the screen went blank .
17 Memories of the 16-cylinder engine disaster must have faded at BRM by the mid '60s when the company embarked on another ambitious project .
18 Outline the evidence that some sort of late heavy bombardment occurred on all terrestrial planets .
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