Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [det] [noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 After the dollar fell to another post-war low of ¥109.2 in New York , the Federal Reserve intervened several times to prop it up .
2 The court heard several witnesses say they saw Mr Austin 's car suddenly swerve to the right in the outsidfe lane , then violently to the left and into the front of the bus forcing it off the carriageway .
3 Even when the highest part of a secular model was more obviously tuneful than that of ‘ Misericorde au martir amoureulx ’ — as we shall see , such songs were very fashionable in Paris at this time and the composer took few pains to disguise it ( e.g. Gombert 's Mass ‘ Je suys déshéritée ’ on a chanson attributed in the earliest source , Attaingnant 's Trente chansons musicales ( Paris , 1533 ) to Lupi , in later ones to Pierre Cadéac ) , the incongruence evidently did not disconcert contemporaries .
4 In the mighty jungle of Celtic 's past , ‘ Wee Jinky ’ stood tall , but after 1967 the tiny Lisbon Lion spent many mornings sleeping it off .
5 In December the Red Cross persuaded both sides to allow it to cross their battle lines .
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