Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The deliberate mockery had faded from his eyes , and the raw darkness she saw there made her stomach clench in anguish .
2 And for all he knew , pro-Syrian elements , the Lebanese Forces and other narco-terrorist groups were also still looking to revenge themselves for the damage that he and the Asmar cell had done to their drugs , arms and hostage-taking operations in Beirut .
3 And now that Wang Sau-leyan had come to his senses they would be strong again .
4 After some years of struggling anxiously with the knotty complexities of Catholic devotion before the reforms of the Second Vatican Council , I found The Cloud of Unknowing 's stark insistence on the one thing necessary deeply liberating and felt that a weight had fallen from my shoulders .
5 There was a short pause , during which Juliet felt as if an incredible weight had lifted from her shoulders .
6 In May 1559 , Mary of Guise had hurled at her opponents the accusation that they ‘ meant no religion , but a plain rebellion ’ .
7 A new spaciousness had entered into his considerations .
8 Once the President had retired to his quarters for the short flight , the DDI opened the envelope he 'd been handed when he arrived at the airport .
9 Cuntona got a 4-match suspension , and scum got fined for their fans ’ behaviour .
10 The starlight became entangled in her lashes as her eyes closed …
11 And a strange sight it was , this tiny dark-hared person sitting there with her feet nowhere near touching the floor , totally absorbed in the wonderful adventures of Pip and old Miss Havisham and her cobwebbed house and by the spell of magic that Dickens the great story-teller had woven with his words .
12 It was like a trap-door had opened at her feet .
13 Haymo receiving news of this and hearing the commotion sent word to the Archbishop for further news , but found that the worthy Primate had left with his attendants and was well on the road to Kent .
14 He seemed to have grown older , more mature — as if his brother 's burden of kingship had fallen on his shoulders also .
15 I used to arrive early in the morning before the household had left on their rounds .
16 In the viewing gallery overlooking the arena , the Controller had leapt to his feet , his face contorted with fury .
17 Some people were waking up and seeing through the disguise humanity had constructed around its deities .
18 ‘ I 'll 'av to tell yew girls to gaou , ’ wailed Mrs Sugden , and Wendy and I felt a frisson of mirth , quickly and ashamedly suppressed , at the way fate had played into our hands .
19 The vagueness had gone from her eyes , though she seemed a little startled .
20 On her way to the boathouse that dawn — before the rain began and too early for her father to rise in protest — thin panes of ice had snapped beneath her feet .
21 The lack of murder weapon had preyed on their minds .
22 Twenty years after that holiday I read in the Scotsman one morning that a St Abbs fisherman had hauled in his nets and landed a complete suit of sixteenth-century armour .
23 Drained and empty , she sat until the redness had faded from her eyes .
24 After the foolish lad had died of his fevers — unable to pull through illness like me with my superior physique — his spirit had been powerless to escape .
25 Her heart had accelerated alarmingly and that same hot electrical charge had raced across her nerve-endings .
26 But this throws into high relief Leonard 's ( or at least Breavman 's ! ) denial of spiritual responsibility : if the onus had passed to his uncles , and thereby to his cousins , why should he care ?
27 Eventually she took some goods her husband had left at her lodgings to the Police Station .
28 ‘ You like it and I like it , ’ he said , his voice muffled now as his head became buried between her legs .
29 A smile had formed on his lips , and it seemed to Jessica to be a rueful one .
30 The smile had died from his eyes , and he tightened his arms round her so hard that she thought her ribs might crack .
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