Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [prep] [det] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 One Soviet writer argued in this vein that the EEC proposal was not directed at the neutralisation of Afghanistan at all but at hiding the ‘ undeclared war against the Afghan people ’ .
2 Dot woke on that morning that could have been the last morning of her life and knew by the brightness reflected across the ceiling that she was safe , for the roads would still be blocked .
3 I shared command of the big " V " with two other skippers , Doug Thompson and Denis Mawe , as H.Q. frowned on any policy that kept an officer away from his home port and normal customs duties for too long a period .
4 Er would my right honourable friend agree with me that the appearance of Jerry Adams on the Walden programme proved beyond any doubt that whatever Sinn Fein say Sinn Fein have rejected the er Downing Street declaration .
5 The village brook overflowed with such force that cars were washed away , and homes were under feet of water .
6 Um nevertheless er there 's a fundamental distinction made by most authors that to include children , to include apparently emotionally immature people , in sexual relationships as you would with adults is is fundamentally abusive .
7 Nevertheless , there 's a fundamental distinction made by most authors that um y'know kind of up to a certain age involving kids in sexual relations with adults is abusive because of the discrepancy in power , because of the discrepancy in physical size , because of a whole range of social discrepancies .
8 Benjamin ( 1979b , p. 226 ) wrote of the surrealist movement that ‘ life only seemed worth living where the threshold between waking and sleeping was worn away in everyone as by the steps of multitudinous images flooding back and forth , language only seemed itself where sound and image , image and sound interpenetrated with such felicity that no chink was left for the penny-in-the-slot called ‘ meaning ’ ’ .
9 Benjamin ( 1979b , p. 226 ) wrote of the surrealist movement that ‘ life only seemed worth living where the threshold between waking and sleeping was worn away in everyone as by the steps of multitudinous images flooding back and forth , language only seemed itself where sound image , image and sound interpenetrated with such felicity that no chink was left for the penny-in. the-slot called ‘ meaning ’ ’ .
10 The ground was too wet for digging : the water stood in any hole that was made .
11 The Belgian Government argued in that connection that the limits of articles 52 and 59 were plain : they dealt only with the freedom of any Community national to establish himself in another member state and provide services there while retaining his own nationality .
12 One thing said in support of the idea that we take effects to be probable events , and , more particularly , said against the analysis expounded in this chapter that we take them to be necessitated events , is relevant enough , although likely to be disdained by the high-minded .
13 In fact , timber felling grew to such proportions that a law was passed restricting it ; anyone found guilty of contravening this law more than three times , could be hung .
14 The customer discovered during this period that the car had a leaking roof and it was argued that , as a result of the customer 's examination of the car before the contract was made , he had knowledge of the defect so as to exclude liability under s14(2) ( b ) .
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