Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [adv] over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The story got about over the years that his lectures were very obscure .
2 The dark , lazy appraisal moved down over the jut of her breasts beneath the soft material , and she shivered involuntarily , despite the warm night .
3 The noise brought Jacqui to the door and light spilled out over the scene .
4 The overhead door swung up easily to his touch and the light splayed out over the gravel of the drive and the unkempt verges of silvered grass .
5 There were no windows in the hut , but the open doorway looked out over the mountainside across the valley to the emerald paddy fields and , far away to the east , the village .
6 She sipped her ale , then frowned as her mind skittered back over the conversation .
7 He may have gone into something else later — ’ his mind ran rapidly over the likelihoods-'publishing , a university — I just do n't know .
8 As she hurried down a long corridor , her mind groped backwards over the events of the previous night .
9 The 40-tonne space complex showered down over the foothills of the Andes in western Argentina .
10 When the verdict came down over the radio earlier that afternoon , I thought it had to be some kind of misunderstanding — a joke .
11 Jenny 's laugh came lightly over the line .
12 Of the verderers he could see nothing , but so strong was his sense of present danger that Allen remained half-hidden watching until the sun came up over the forest and the wet rock slabs of the Waste shone like glass and he could feel the first faint warmth of the sun 's beams striking on his face .
13 It was still warm during the day , and the sun came in over the trees of the forest outside the camp .
14 The winter sun came out over the signals aerials on the top of the regimental headquarters and I warmed my neck , rubbing it against the collar of my knitted undershirt .
15 The trooper climbed reluctantly over the handrail and then lowered himself onto the supporting props below .
16 Furthermore the wind had dropped , the sun shone brilliantly over the ice , and already , early in the morning , small boys were sliding through the radiant air , whooping and hallooing , and sending broken boughs skidding across the frozen surface with a hollow , reverberating whoosh .
17 In Munich , the Stalingrad disaster prompted the group of students who , largely inspired by moral and religious idealism , had the previous year formed the ‘ White Rose ’ movement and circulated anti-Nazi leaflets in Munich University , to stage a suicidally brave public demonstration of their detestation for Hitler and Nazism in a defiant manifesto displayed all over the university buildings :
18 As the twitchers gawped , a sleek tabby cat slithered up over the wall
19 The main myth being punctured , or punctuated , is the old erroneous view that humanity evolved gradually over the aeons from an ape forebear .
20 Work went on over the Summer Holiday of 1980 to ensure that the Convent buildings would be ready for the new term , when there would be girls in both the Sixth Form and the First Form .
21 The brown paper bag tied with white string hit the pavement , split and corn went all over the place .
22 As the sun went down over the trees , everyone in the squadron had enjoyed a hard day 's military training and , after a good dinner and some well-deserved beers , they were very happy and were looking forward to the challenges of the next day .
23 Her tilted smile put the usual dent , something just less than a dimple , at the corner of her mouth as she pulled on a robe bought only three days previously , sumptuous emerald silk with an elaborate multicoloured dragon embroidered all over the back .
24 The complexities proved to be even greater than expected , particularly since the rate of claim for compensation increased considerably over the years up to the setting up of the committee .
25 The reaction that thriller writer Derek Raymond received for his most recent novel , I Was Dora Suarez , was disconcerting in the extreme : his editor vomited all over the fist chapter .
26 The Forestry Commission at the Royal Showground are very interested in this extra income but have yet to ascertain the extra benefits of limited disease control and the natural organic fertiliser spread evenly over the woodland .
27 ‘ Ca n't read a sodding map , gets his human body splattered all over the street , then takes off without a by your leave or kiss my elbow .
28 Cissie was kneeling on the rug , her back to the fire and her slim body bent forward over the bath .
29 Such investigators as Rowntree , A. L. Bowley and L. Chiozza Money demonstrated that the disparity between rich and poor and the proportion of the population living in severe poverty changed little over the period .
30 WHATEVER breast-beating occurred elsewhere over the outcome of the Waco siege , it was not to be found in Nashville , where the National Rifle Association ( NRA ) has just held its annual meeting .
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