Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [pron] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 The women I spoke to who had been through the whole procedure told me of the many exhausting visits they had had to make to the British Embassies and High Commissions , of the atmosphere of contempt at these places , of the pettiness of the Entry Clearance Officers ( ECOs ) and interpreters , and the rude and unreasonable questions they had had to answer .
2 Apart from the shock that her GP saw her in the same light as his aged mother , Marie has never looked back .
3 Thus the author of A Remonstrance of Many Thousand Citizens , probably Richard Overton , reminded the House of Commons in 1646 that " wee are your Principalls , and you our Agents- … wee possessed you with the same Power that was in our selves …
4 The romance of the French Foreign Legion struck me in the same way , and especially the exhibits from Kolwezi and Chad , where there were photographs of camouflaged paras with shaved heads and sunglasses helping starving babies .
5 A Country Diary : OXFORDSHIRE : On the first morning of this month , whilst watching the usual passage of gulls to the local refuse-dump , I spotted a flock of waders , estimated at between 300 and 400 , much higher up and heading due south , and , a matter of seconds later , a similar party followed them on the same course , and I was able to identify them as Golden Plover .
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