Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [adj] of these [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The decline in the birth-rate from the mid-1960s and the developing economic recession made many of these plans redundant , but the counties of Humberside and Avon remain .
2 This remarkable pioneer created twelve of these machines , of which eight still survive , the remaining four having been lost in battle or exploded during trial runs .
3 ( 6 ) In August 1983 the third defendant claimed from C.M.C. a commission of £16,000 for himself and £8,000 for Highdene in respect of certain commercial arrangements , not involving the bakery , negotiated between C.M.C. and B.M.T. It is said that this claim led the other directors of C.M.C. to investigate the third defendant 's activities and to dismiss him as a director of C.M.C. ( 7 ) Between May and July 1983 the third defendant caused the first plaintiff to sign in blank some cheques drawn on C.M.C. 's bank account by fraudulently representing that these cheques would be used to pay small and urgent bills of C.M.C. It is said that in fact the third defendant used six of these cheques to pay to himself and certain other parties sums amounting to about £30,000 , allegedly in connection with the financing of the centre .
4 ‘ Would you mind , ’ asks the knocker at his most oleaginous , ‘ if Her Majesty borrowed some of these paintings for a charity exhibition we are holding locally ? ’
5 Each club had one of these books which they called Grimoires , and –he loss or destruction of these Grimoires has accounted for the disappearance of other branches of The Hell Fire Club over the years .
6 The British Museum acquired some of these pieces knowingly , as examples of modern fakes , and by examining the pieces in the scanning electron microscope ( see glossary ) using microanalysis and digital-mapping techniques it has been possible to plot the concentration of the cadmium over the soldered surfaces .
7 The slave trade and slavery subsumed many of these tensions and ambivalences , giving a focus to the categories of question troubling many English men and women and did so by directing powerful anxieties on to phenomena at some geographical and social distance from most people .
8 The growth of labour productivity and commercialization eased some of these problems .
9 The smallest tank found to be adequate to breed a large pair of cichlids was 36″ × 15″ × 15″ and one author had six of these tanks running with deep bed undergravel filtration with no serious problems for the five years .
10 The 1905 revolution brought many of these issues to a head , for it was
11 The February revolution gave some of these forces the opportunity to enter the administration , but often only temporarily , until the Russian colonists could re-establish their power .
12 For example , ‘ Avrora ’ magazine organised one of these festivals with up to 100 new independent bands .
13 Apart from problems of structural instability and dampness , lack of heating , hot water and modern sanitation made many of these dwellings unfit for human habitation .
14 ‘ Your daughter followed one of these courses ? ’
15 The Government followed few of these suggestions when it came to the enactment of its Police and Criminal Evidence Act .
16 After the war , the army dumped thousands of these sets on cadet forces , where they were treated far harder than in any battle zone .
17 A subsequent government report repeated some of these analyses for England in 1984 , and concluded that these differences had become drastically widened ( Labour Force Survey 1983 and 1984 , 1986 , p. 45 ) .
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