Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [noun] [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Somewhere , across the green , a car changed gear as it moved towards Lulling , and hummed away into nothingness .
2 Sun discovered Praxsys after it acquired the PC half of Interactive and picked up rights to it .
3 Birdie Mac in the sweet shop told people that it took a great amount of faith these days to realise that God was fair-minded .
4 Nervous selling hit FT-SE and it slipped more than 7 points .
5 Would n't it be better not to translate Billy 's invitation to come forward , as the people at the Welsh meeting understood English and it allowed a quiet moment between Billy 's phrases ?
6 McLaren boss Teddy Mayer as much as admitted at the end of 1975 that he thought Emerson wanted to move — or that he was in personal trouble of one kind and another — but the official news reached Hunt before it got to the team , and got to Hunt through Domingos Piedade , an eccentric figure close to the cheerful groupie Googie Zanon , a wealthy ( textiles ) Italian aristocrat whose support has been crucial to many drivers at critical points in their career , then ‘ manager ’ to Emerson and now to Ayrton Senna — a fringe career from which Domingos , hugely personable , but also often more a talker than a doer , has made a more than reasonable living .
7 However Much rural housing became a public issue , which it did periodically until 1914 , the depression in agriculture generally ensured that little new building took place and it became more and more apparent that housing conditions in rural areas would receive no dramatic improvement without external intervention .
8 On Dec. 12 the Punjab provincial government denied reports that it had recommended that remarks about Pakistan published in a book by a UK journalist should be punished by death .
9 They were fighting for justice for the workers , a fine cause but one that had already proved useless in Russia , where the same old bureaucratic hierarchy held sway as it did in Spain .
10 Hewlett-Packard Co accompanied news that it had made $261m net profit for its fiscal first quarter ( a decline of 21% before a big accounting charge last time ) with news that it cut 1,700 jobs worldwide during the period .
11 Autumn became winter and it turned steely cold .
12 A section of the crowd turned events when it attacked the private Catholic chapels of several embassies .
13 Familiarity bred business so it seemed , as established dealers with a limited clientele continued to deal with the same few people day after day , generating sometimes fantastic commissions for themselves , as well as token fines for the overtrading habits that ironically were tacitly encouraged .
14 The report generated controversy after it emerged that the Sunday Times newspaper , which intended to serialize extracts , had commissioned the right-wing " revisionist historian " David Irving to authenticate the diaries .
15 Just as the Singing Detective caused outrage when it featured similar amorous action shot in a shady area , director Ken Russell makes his current coupling couple keep their clothes hanging on .
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