Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] i [verb] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 In fact , I only met one decorator … a young couple wanted to buy a piece and I offered them a discount as they had n't got a decorator - at which she drew herself up and said : ‘ We are not married .
2 I gather this is normal practice but I find it a little unreasonable .
3 We stroll arm in arm to the nearest pub and I buy him a freedom drink and lunch ; a pint of stout and a Ploughman 's .
4 ‘ It was very hard work for that sort of money and I consider it an insult , ’ Austin said of the earlier award .
5 Micky Danby is a pratt and I owe him a few scores meself . ’
6 ‘ He called me a name and I called him a name , ’ said Ditka .
7 I went to the flat and I got myself a job working in Woolworth 's in Reading .
8 He sank into a fireside chair and I poured him a small medicinal quart of Absinthe to steady his nerves .
9 And then , all I 've done is worked out some time management and say well if these guys turn up at half past eight every morning and I give them a break at ten o'clock , and they get a lunch break and then in afternoon , another break , and they finish at half past four , if everything goes to plan , by four o'clock Friday , my van should be backing up at the end of the production line to load itself up with a thousand widgets .
10 I worked in up there about nineteen fifty or fifty one when I had a dispute with the manager and I gave him a week 's notice .
11 Lewis says his love for his mother Vi will keep him out of trouble , declaring : ‘ She brought me into this world and I consider myself a mother 's boy — I owe it all to her .
12 I said to them it was placing the team and the ARFU in a terrible situation and I gave them a 5.30 pm deadline otherwise the tour was off .
13 Well I , I took the liberty of the Lord Lieutenant 's appointed me to something called the Sussex Rural Options Land Bank and I brought you a copy of the leaflet , having notice of your question and I did ask the officer who deals with this in the Sussex Rural Community Council if he could give me the latest score on housing I thought that the news was bad from what he had said , but having said that , I mean every effort is being made to deal with the issues you raise in this council which is now chaired by Peter .
14 That is one of the roles of your Association and it is what your membership fees go towards and it is there to be used and they 've done their best so I hope it will come in very useful for you for this year and I wish you a very good year .
15 Last Christmas she sent me a bluetit and I sent her a robin redbreast , a bloody great Robin Redbreast .
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