Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] the [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There is no requirement for costs payable out of the bankrupt 's estate , be they the costs of the petitioning creditor or the costs of the solicitors acting for the trustee , to be taxed ( r 7.34 ) .
2 Close your eyes and listen to the music of a running stream , flowing river , waterfall or the waves of the sea .
3 Although there is no authority on this , it is submitted that this is not the case since the provisions on administration ( particularly the right of the floating charge holder to block the appointment of an administrator ) obviously envisage that crystallisation must arise from the act of the floating charge holder or the terms of the charge .
4 There was no way of combining the information in the workbooks , the sounds of the audio tape or the images of the slides and film strips .
5 More importantly , none of them spontaneously reflected the irony or the exaggerations of the passage in their recall .
6 Neither the Companies Act nor standard accounting practice requires any information whatsoever about the make-up of the figure or the movements for the year , and yet a great many events and transactions can cause the minority interests to change .
7 If it was a newish wheel and the joints between the felloes had a fair gap we 'd give her perhaps ⅞ of an inch ; if the joints were not very loose we 'd give her perhaps ½ an inch .
8 But this readiness to intervene in the Philippines was a useful message to send to a Soviet leader still exploring the thinking and the reactions of the new US President .
9 Authoritarian concepts and aristocratic mores and interests pervaded the thinking and the aims of the owners and managers of industry .
10 Holyfield , the shorter man and lighter by more than two stone , will rely mainly on foot and hand speed and the tactics of the ambush .
11 ( 2 ) That the transfer had been executed within the powers of the attorney ; that between the defendant and the perpetrators of the fraud the transfer was merely voidable ; and that , accordingly , the transfer was valid at the time when the building society advanced the mortgage money ( post , p. 680C–G , H ) .
12 The mutated promoters all bound cAMP-CRP with the same affinity as the wt-promoter and the mobilities of the two retarded complexes was identical to that observed for the wt-promoter .
13 The money was demanded by the state from the citizen and the inequalities of the parties ' respective positions is manifest even in the case of a major financial institution like Woolwich .
14 Once the stretcher rails are together , loosely locate them in the back legs and drive the legs home into the seat and the rails into the legs .
15 The political instability surrounding the new parliament , created both by the vigour of the DPP 's opposition and the conflicts within the KMT , vitiated the government 's capacity to deal with a range of social and economic problems .
16 The Revolution also changed the earlier status of the Whigs as a party of opposition and the Tories as the party of government , as some Whigs found themselves increasingly drawn into the new royal administration , and as Tories became more and more alienated from the new regime .
17 I have seen schools with their own livestock — chickens , goats and rabbits ; and schools where the only livestock in evidence were the bats in the roof and the cockroaches in the latrine .
18 A minute later , Sikes appeared on the roof and the shouts from the crowd below swelled to a great roar .
19 The meetings between the Head of Department and the members of the Senior Management Team , and the classroom visits produced reliable evidence about several matters of concern , in particular discrepancies between the curriculum-on-offer in Art , as set out in the syllabus , and the curriculum-in-action .
20 We could dwell at length on problems of access , ignorance and prejudice and the inequities of the benefit system , but I wold like to focus on two areas — legislation and provision .
21 To revert to my opening discussion for a moment , one might say that the conflict between the drives of the id and the demands of the cultural superego represented above all in the taboos on incest and aggression against the father has become severely exacerbated and that , if Freud felt that in his day the balance was too far on the side of society and the superego , today it has swung too far in the direction of the individual and the id ; for it is clear that a balance between these two opposing fundamental forces is the essence of human existence .
22 As he stowed the edenwort and the kohlrabi at the back of the cupboard , he saw his mother 's strained , pale face as she boasted , unconvincingly , of her son 's prowess to a neighbour .
23 The storm sank to a murmur and the waves of the sea were stilled .
24 The curate was troubled by the conflict between his love of biblical study and the chores of the parish .
25 A common factor in the two studies concerning assessment by non-medically qualified staff is that the social workers in the first study and the nurses in the second had a special interest in dealing with attempted suicide patients .
26 There has been a dramatic drop in unemployment , tremendous inward investment and people are increasingly aware of the quality of the North-East and the prospects of the North-East .
27 Beyond this accessible and easily comprehensible illustration of the ‘ impact ’ of the mass media and the extent to which political activity is a by-product of the existence of the mass media , there is another , more elusive , but just as significant aspect to the media 's role in contemporary society : the nature of political practice and the contours of the political system are , to an extent , derived from the work of the mass media .
28 We see the move from monophonic to polyphonic practice and the changes in the musical and poetic styles and how they affected the size of the performing forces .
29 We have now changed our statistics to come into line with industrial practice and the recommendations of the Health and Safety Executive , by measuring incidents per 1,000,000 hours , [ rather than per 100,000 hours we used up to 1992 ] .
30 By 1918 North Shields was a clear locale of modern organized capitalism with very large industrial establishments in Smith 's Dock and the docks of the Tyne Improvement Commission , with a highly organized capitalist class , particularly in shipping and in urban development , and with a working class organized around production in trade unions and reproduction through ad hoc organizations , especially around housing .
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