Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] they [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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2 However , the participants of the Geneva conference recognised the incomplete nature of their work and they hoped to follow it up with another conference .
3 He summoned his subject kings and princes to his assistance and they marched to join him , eating up the land as they came , for they numbered two hundred thousand men .
4 A fire crew from the town 's station were called to the scene and they managed to free him within minutes .
5 Eventually he moved into their home and they prepared to adopt him .
6 When the time came the mare was in foal but they failed to buy her and finally refused to do so in December 1973 .
7 Her husband became an alcoholic and they had to put him away in a clinic . ’
8 He was a reason for a whole other meeting and they decided to accept him into their harmony .
9 set up a little business and they have to pay us and then we 'll
10 They have got enough money but they like to keep it for as long as possible .
11 The chairman , Martin Jay , told me they were always looking for new ideas to raise money but they want to keep it an event for the family , a rural event based on the race .
12 Well they were usually a line of kids standing along the wall or something and one set out in the middle of the field and then you had to touch them and then you 'd be back to the wall and they had to do it .
13 That 's right yes I spoke to someone yesterday on the phone and they said to pop it in , since I lived so close .
14 Our dominant motivations are those of rational self-interest and they tend to lead us into crime because crime , however defined , involves self-restraint .
15 The two other boys were sitting neatly on a sofa in the distance but they failed to acknowledge them .
16 Me , a stump of a man and they wanted to make me Cesar Romero .
17 The RAF says the Russians are in one of the worst possible places in the world for a rescue but they have to give it a try .
18 The RAF says the Russians are in one of the worst possible places in the world for a rescue but they have to give it a try .
19 ‘ Many British and American tourists feel that they have connections with some part of Scottish history and they want to experience it for themselves . ’
20 Mr Morraine fetched a net and they began to throw it at him .
21 You see when the erm legislation changes shortly , well the legislation is there but when it 's enacted erm they they will become responsible for repairing after their own hole digging and they have to provide us with guarantees .
22 It must mean something very bad indeed has gone wrong in the company and they need to explain it away . ’
23 All came up with the same idea and they wanted to do it .
24 Small moans of protest sounded in her throat but they seemed to excite him more , because he growled with satisfaction , his lips branding hers with heat .
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