Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] that it [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ( vi ) If the court should hold that a right to sue in libel must be allowed to a local government authority , then , in the alternative , this court should , in extending the law of libel to permit actions by a local authority , impose particular restrictions or limitations upon the cause of action , namely that a local authority could only sue for libel upon proof of special damage ; and that the council would be required to prove both the falsity of the allegation and that it was published maliciously .
2 He also rejected arguments that the transcript did not fall within the term ‘ documents ’ in s 2(3) of the 1987 Act and that it was protected from disclosure by legal professional privilege .
3 No proof is available that the incident was designed to produce such a backlash nor that it was masterminded by an element within the government 's undercover set-up .
4 So far in this chapter , we have examined three explanations of unemployment : that it is caused by ‘ natural ’ factors , that it is caused by a general deficiency of aggregate demand and that it is caused by excessive labour costs .
5 Evidence suggests that , on the contrary , grazing pressure is evenly spread throughout the area exploited , that area is related in size to the size of the nest and that it is defended against competing leaf-cutting ants and that a wide range of plant species is exploited .
6 This has led to speculations that life may have originated in the depths of space and that it was brought to the Earth by meteorites .
7 It is interesting that JTR noticed J. McL 's graveyard on that wild shore road and that it was defaced .
8 He added that it was believed an anti-aircraft gun was in the locality and that it was fired recently .
9 There is good evidence that this transmissible agent is a virus containing DNA but that it is embedded in a tough proteinaceous capsule .
10 In Dixit and Stiglitz ( 1977 ) this effect is ignored , but here we allow a more general treatment , introducing a parameter γ , so that implies that the effect is taken into account and that it is ignored .
11 These results support the concept that platelet activating factor is capable of inducing pancreatitis similar to that observed after infusion of caerulein and that it is mediated by specific platelet activating factor receptors .
12 The editors ' underlying theme is that retirement needs to be viewed holistically ; that it is not simply an individual transition but that it is linked to a person 's past or context and , equally importantly , to their social networks , especially family relationships .
13 Applix Inc is moving to get itself well distributed : this week it will announce it 's got Merisel handling Aster*x state-side and that it 's pulled off an exclusive five-year $15m deal with K K Ashisuto , Japan 's second largest software distributor .
14 I therefore think that [ the ] motion is out of place at this time and that it is proposed for a certain purpose .
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